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Everything posted by nicacio

  1. Spell name: Spirit Shell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109964/spirit-shell How it should work: When I activate Spirit Shell, some of my healing spells, instead of healing, should create an absorption shield on the target. For example: My Flash Heal heals for 100k, if I use it while my Spirit Shell is activated it should, instead of healing, create a 100k (+ mastery) absorption shield. In PvP, with Battle Fatigue it should be reduced just one time. For example: a 100k healing Flash Heal being crippled by Battle Fatigue would heal for 40k, with Spirit Shell active it should create a 40k (+ mastery) absorption shield. How it currently works: It's being crippled by Battle Fatigue twice. An absorption shield that should be a 40k (+ mastery) shield is being crippled by Battle Fatigue again, shielding for only 16k (+ mastery). It should be affected by Battle Fatigue just once, like a normal healing. Date tested: 02.12.2014 Server tested: Fun Priority: 8.5/10. Makes the spell nearly useless. This must be urgently fixed.
  2. Spell name: Power Word: Barrier. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=62618/power-word-barrier#changelog How it should work: Summons a holy barrier on the target location that reduces all damage done to friendly targets by 25%. While within the barrier, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage. The barrier lasts for 10 sec. How it currently works: It doesn't. It does nothing. Date tested: 30.11.2014 Server tested: Fun Priority: 7/10. A powerful damage reducing cooldown that enhances Disc Priests' fun.
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