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Everything posted by Zirconis187

  1. Name: Notoriys Realm: FUN Prooves: http://prntscr.com/5tc4yj http://prntscr.com/5tc58a http://prntscr.com/5tc5tt
  2. Name: Loadin Realm: Fun Proof: http://prntscr.com/5oswpm http://prntscr.com/5osx30
  3. Name: Snàredx Realm: Fun Proof: http://prntscr.com/5osvsj
  4. Name: Erickyh Realm: Fun Proof: http://prntscr.com/5mtf1y
  5. well she was laughing at us cuz we loosed after a ~10 min fight and said noobs after that ...
  6. Name: Naturey Realm: Fun Proof: http://prntscr.com/5mfwsp
  7. Name: Nhym Realm: Fun Proof: http://prntscr.com/5lyvqn
  8. Name: Norragami Realm: Fun Name: Warriorburst Realm: Fun Proof: http://prntscr.com/5livca My russian skills aren't that good but i think that's something instulting.
  9. Name: Kimz & Issabelle Realm: Fun Proof: http://prntscr.com/5knojj
  10. name: Cawkpunchx realm: fun proof: http://prntscr.com/5kmp7d
  11. Hey guys, i wanted to ask you if it's possible to download the game completely. Well i actually installed WoW till Cataclysm, after i tried installing MoP it started battle.net and tried to patch to WoD. That's the reason why i downloaded the pandawow.exe and this .exe allows me to download the game while playing, but it's taking a loooooong time and i want to have it completely. Can I do anything to increase the download speed to its maximum ? The main reason to have it completely is to download WoD models. :D Zirconis187
  12. Hi, ich wollte euch mal fragen, ob es vielleicht möglich ist die Download Geschwindigkeit im Spiel (es lädt sehr langsam, wenn man beim zocken lädt) zu erhöhen. Mit dem offiziellen Launcher ist es nicht möglich, da er direkt auf WoD patcht und in-game zuladen dauert ziemlich lange und geht ehrlich gesagt auf die Nerven immer lange zu warten bis etwas geladen ist, außerdem will ich mit dir WoD Modelle holen, doch dafür muss ich WoW erstmal komplett geladen haben. MfG, Zirconis187
  13. Greetings, I started to play a panda on x100 realm and as i mentioned that a quest npc is bugged i asked myself if it's possible to play pandaren on x100. I walked to the end to look if i could choose between horde and alliance, but it's not possible without questing. If there is any possibility to play panda, please let me know!
  14. Realm: Fun Name: Fkt Hack: Teleported or flied to the top of tower, unreachable. http://s27.postimg.org/zcjeb3xm7/Wo_WScrn_Shot_120514_161648.jpg http://s27.postimg.org/nr4mpnmr3/Wo_WScrn_Shot_120514_161708.jpg
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