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Flyff last won the day on December 29 2017

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  1. Linkani diskord
  2. Yesterday (06.06.20) i did SoO, and got hc wf trinket from Sha, for healer, chest token, and chest from Thok, on my priest (Firstaidkitq, troll) Today (07.06.20), they aren't in my bags, or in my bank, and none logged my account exept myself, i even upgraded the trinket. I would like them back,so, can you check logs and what-not to proove that i had them, so you can return them. Cheers in advance Edit: I just saw like 10 more people who had same thing happen to them aswell.
  3. 1. Бешшеныйрог 2. x100 3. Obvious speed hack ( Before you say "maybe it's lag" check his buffs, he doesn't even have speed buff nor eng boost on, no way he's fast like that with lag) 4.
  4. Куплю паладина, 550 рет, или оба пвп спека, пве 585+ рет или вся 3 пве спека. Wtb paladin, 550 ret, or both pvp specs, pve 585+ ret or all 3 pve specs.
  5. Delusional crybaby, plz eat a TidePod and do us all a favor
  6. Horde is red Alliance is blue Put discount on site And i will love you In case i actually win Flyffqt x100
  7. Балон, Защитники, Исполин, 25 гер http://imgur.com/a/Q9hLb
  8. Балон, Защитники 25 гер http://imgur.com/k5pZ1sR
  9. Ну, не знал правила, но, следущи раз буду норм поставити)
  10. Europic, баланс, Защитники + Исполин 25 гер. http://imgur.com/a/jFMVV
  11. Куплю шамана енх 580+, рестор 575+, 550 пвп, енх и рестор - обязательно, чс или елитка (не обязательно).
  12. 1. Garrosh buff abuse 2. Бахнутенький 3. x100 4. Garrosh buff abuse on his pet for increased damage and health. 5. http://imgur.com/O6ZtYl6 http://imgur.com/ROJeVOp 6. Remove the pet, if you ban them 3 days it wont do anything, in 3 days again they will abuse again...
  13. 1. Buff abuse 2. Брунькович 3. x100 4. Abused the buff from garrosh, (http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=144821/hellscreams-warsong), as you can see he has 5 stacks of it 5. http://imgur.com/IGRFcBq
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