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Everything posted by Randomizera

  1. Realm: FUN violation happened inside a bg Nickname: Holycharger Description: using mounts (mount speed) inside buildings and pvp-ing so basically he has 100% mount speed and can cast any spell. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]138787[/ATTACH]
  2. lmao i recieved it i didn't saw it in my backpack sorry.
  3. Hello, this one is first for me 3 days ago i bought Lord Walden's Top Hat from the discount page to my dk but i didn't log in that day but 2 days later only to see that it's not in my backpack, is there any way to see if i bought because my vote points have been taken and i didn't receive the item.
  4. As the title says i cannot queue 3v3 solo it says "Joined as group failed" tried deleting cache tried reinstalling the launcher, tried repairing my character so far nothing worked, the strange thing is that on my alt account i can queue no problem ! Please help !
  5. The annyoing bug is that when i charge someone my character gets like stuck and he is going forward and backward without me controlling him it's like the charge animation won't play normally and it bugs out and i cannot go near my target if i happen to go near my target he already peeled me and dps-ing me it's a serious serious issue that should be resolved fast. PS a lot of times i fell off the map and intervene is with absolutely the same issue.
  6. Dear Pandawow developers for the last 4 to 5 months i've been getting frustrated due to the fact that one of warrior's main abilities is bugged and that is the charge ability not only that but the ability https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=147833/intervene is also bugged my question is will you ever at least try to fix it ? If not it's ok warriors are being r word to the ground by your nerfs. Take care guys and glory to ел президенте Путин.
  7. As the title says i got banned for ''flyhacking'' and the funny thing is that i am not that retarded to use any form of hacks on my main account ... Literally i was trying to log in yesterday just so i can do couple of bg's and then this sh*t appears (until 2016-06-18 19:17:37) Reason: Autoban. Last detected cheat type: FLY HACK Are you fu*king kidding me ? I never ever hacked on this server and i get banned wtf ?
  8. Name Bigred Realm x100 Description of the violation Oneshotting everyone and everything. Proof:
  9. Who: Лукдуш x1 /Brutalxx fun Фаршмачка fun/ Perlad fun When: 2.12.2015 What: Bug abused gates and took all our bases before we could reach the first one ... Proof:http://imgur.com/a/B8smZ
  10. You forgot that a lot of ppl buy characters and when they log in they can't play it at all so don't consider yourself a pro or anything just saying. Because i've seen you roleplay a lot in bg's.
  11. Yes but here it spawns much more than usual ...
  12. i can post unedited ones > http://imgur.com/a/iRA17
  13. 1. Трупец 2. x100 3. Not sure if it's abuse but gonna post it anyways because this mofo tanked half the damn alliance team and as you can see by the end of the bg he did 3x more healing than anyone else. 4. http://imgur.com/a/ihWXI
  14. Thank god you are not a gm look where the stairs are and look where he is these are the best shots i got he was flying under the map the whole time i even got lucky that i saw him.
  15. I won't give u jack shit you are simply retarded i bet either you know the guy or you are the one in the picture.
  16. Well some people are more retarded than others i get that but please look closely and you will see that he in fact is hacking. :)
  17. Name: Estepala Realm: Cross-realm Reason: Flyhacking while holding flag. Proof: http://imgur.com/a/yWVHy
  18. Hehe true true.
  19. Name:Tuzi Realm: Cross- realm Description: he was using fly-hacking in bg and healing his teammates while doing it. Proof:http://imgur.com/a/9i9GL
  20. Same here (fun realm)
  21. Was expecting this i hope you go against him. And fraps him. - - - Updated - - - And btw it wasn't long bg as you can see no one on both teams capped so much so yea that's another thing that gives him up.
  22. 1.Usainbшlt 2.fun 3.Speedhacking (but only on ground) 5.Proofs: http://imgur.com/RftMyoE I know it's not a big deal of a proof but for the last 3 bg's this piece of crap has been hacking and needs to get prema banned.
  23. I think op is retarded.
  24. Name: Scratchtwo Realm: FUN Using flyhack/speedhack in bg's while he holds the flag. Here is proof:http://imgur.com/a/VrwCp
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