Mage full max lvl pvp gear ,2 spectral mounts ,title The insane couple of more 2 prof tailoring and jewlcrafting, rating atm 2074cr .shado pan asault trinket, human female nick (Wamz) 440 bonuses with taxes
there is screenshot i log after unban i donated for unban then i tryed to que bg or arena and it wont do it can u help me,
i fixed char on site and it doesnt help cleared wdb to ,it doesnt help ?? can i get help ty
when i press que nothing happen
acc name stefyzlara char dogfolife realm/funn side /horde
hello im sorry i dont know that much english or rusian at all i got muted 3 days then banned 30 days cuz i told bad things to toher player i though he is random guy
but he was gm and he muted me it was fine i deserve it cuz i told bad things but i didint know he is gm then i got banned i wanna say imsorry it wont happen again i promise i rly wanna play ty very much for reading my post . realm/ fun /acc name stefyzlara / char name / dogfolife