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Everything posted by stefyzlara

  1. Mage full max lvl pvp gear ,2 spectral mounts ,title The insane couple of more 2 prof tailoring and jewlcrafting, rating atm 2074cr .shado pan asault trinket, human female nick (Wamz) 440 bonuses with taxes
  2. Its not bug abusing son l2p its fkin server bug sometimes get over it plz doge
  3. wts orc mage full pve/pvp alot titles donated sets from site /89 mounts sick xmogs 440 bonuses 2k cr nick dogfolife
  4. how is that abuse?
  5. perhaps someone fucking fix it or someething more ppl got bugs zero fuck given
  6. is anyone gonna answer on all this topics just so we know anything positive gonna happen >D
  7. yea btw glyph of deep freeze dont work,pvp trinkets dont work ,ring is fakdap rest i guess is fine i wish they fix that it would be great
  8. http://pokit.org/get/?a26791452093f570763baa741ddad165.jpg there is screenshot i log after unban i donated for unban then i tryed to que bg or arena and it wont do it can u help me, i fixed char on site and it doesnt help cleared wdb to ,it doesnt help ?? can i get help ty when i press que nothing happen acc name stefyzlara char dogfolife realm/funn side /horde
  9. hello im sorry i dont know that much english or rusian at all i got muted 3 days then banned 30 days cuz i told bad things to toher player i though he is random guy but he was gm and he muted me it was fine i deserve it cuz i told bad things but i didint know he is gm then i got banned i wanna say imsorry it wont happen again i promise i rly wanna play ty very much for reading my post . realm/ fun /acc name stefyzlara / char name / dogfolife
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