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  1. rez sickness op xD
  2. Well damn, still no reply of a gm ..
  3. Yeah xD, i have 26k on my main mage ^^
  4. http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/01/1420108268-wowscrnshot-010115-113046.jpg
  5. Thx alot man ! i think its because i restored my char then i bought unban without relogging this thread can be closed now ^^
  6. Hello guys ! i didnt played on a account long time ago, when i logged on i saw i was muted, right after i go to the website, buy unban chat for 40 bonuses I log on, i see that i'm still muted, can any gm help me ? I really need fast help. I cant talk with my mate /w cap push rating Please fast answer !!!
  7. Seriously guys, come on i need a fast answer i mean its been 3 days. I cant play now since my chars are deleted, i'm bored as hell. 200 Bonuses to restore a char ? This is stupid
  8. The first reply of a gm = 500.00 Dollars / Euro
  9. I will come, :D
  10. like i said, no reply :D
  11. Is it possible to get my char restored ?
  12. Just wait. I got it too like 9 times on my mage, you cant do something about this, pretty sure. the only way is to wait a little bit :D
  13. Lmao so true about the bank accounts Well it happend like, 3 - 4 week ago. the name of the player is Luvosax / Hyponise / Horpse ( all his alts ) the character names are Rhukya - Sadstøry , and also Sosaeu on another account. ( ID : smithytom2002 ) Thx again for the reply, i just need my restore for rhukya ^^ ( The account of sosaeu got 91 bonuses atm . )
  14. hm yeah, thats true i shared my account with a guy, if you want his name just w/ me actually i'm missing 100 bonuses to restore, sh .. i really love playing on this server but damn, 3 chars deleted that suck . ( they are all 555+ )
  15. Jesus, no reply ?
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