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  1. Draz

    Satılık Hesap

    10 sınıf full hesap (6 sı cm setli ) satılıktır ilgilenenler mesaj atabilir.
  2. Server : Fun Nick : Lorti Reason : Hack http://imgur.com/a/vaCAc
  3. Server : Fun Nick : Xmoon Proof : http://imgur.com/a/bcBbW Comment: Insult in bg so toxic. http://imgur.com/FCb0HGj http://imgur.com/a/TEJNp http://imgur.com/FCb0HGj
  4. Server : Fun Nick : Xmoon Proof : http://imgur.com/a/bcBbW Comment: Insult in bg so toxic.
  5. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=86228/crown-of-the-doomed-empress http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=90453/girdle-of-the-raging-rider http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=89830/sword-dancers-leggings http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=86175/grips-of-the-leviathan http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=85830/raiment-of-blood-and-bone
  6. when i get response ?
  7. Server : Fun Nick: cant write ru lang probly this guyz useing mapo bug and wait corner they dont wanna jump down probly they wating damping %100 and burst so i hope they get punish soon http://imgur.com/a/UAac7
  8. Disappear item http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=19019/thunderfury-blessed-blade-of-the-windseeker and comeing back with 17 stack i have free slots in my bag and i havent thunderfury atm not in my bank to. I cant loot it in my mail. http://imgur.com/a/GZEeZ
  9. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=95672/gaze-of-garajal&bonus=0 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=95884/saurok-stalkers-headguard&bonus=0
  10. Hi I got problem with Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings quest chain, i was never finish before first time trying here and i farm 30 x [Fragment of Val'anyr] finally in 6 or more week , i was thinking its enough for it but its not, need one more quest item in last boss http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=45897/reforged-hammer-of-ancient-kings and last boss dosent work :( i know i can get it with vote point but im trying to get with normal way running for 6 or more weeks for it i just want that quest item for finish it please help me, im allways doing vote on web and buy vp to many time i just wanna finish my quest. Server Fun Nick: Lustral
  11. Server: 100x Nick: Cant write u can see in ss ( probly russian) Probly he is game master useing bug abouseing ( instant reset cd ) when he is attack allways sit and up ( its with 3.partyttools damage hack ) 2x 200 k and i try to stune him 4 time ( miss ) and after i rage quit said son of a *** after i got 30 day ban now i wanna see ss with my writes allways 200 k x 2 damages .... http://i.imgur.com/9WPH9yu.jpg?1
  12. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=23014/iblis-blade-of-the-fallen-seraph
  13. DK's Parry Chance Please Fix it
  14. When they added to shop ?
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