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  1. Fix bugs pls
  2. ben 100 x te oynuyorum horde um ve her bg yi kaybediyoruz saçma sapan bgler oluyo herkes afk herkes başka bişey çıldırtırlar insanı :D
  3. Sen allysın galiba 4-5 gün dediğine göre ^^
  4. Bırakıpta char verebilecek olan varmı ?
  5. Look inside im still waiting....
  6. Nicknames of Your characters: Freezinqq,Wildchild Information about Your Game Client: 5.4.8 Downloaded from Torrent Describe your problem:I got 50 mount 5 days ago i got achivment for albino drake but i didint recive it yet How you tried to solve the problem: Checked mail box every day and waiting for the Albino drake mail. Realm: 10X I hope admins wont closed this thread more im really bored this is my third thread for drake thanks for helping !! http://i.hizliresim.com/12LvOB.png http://i.hizliresim.com/vQb5WA.png
  7. i was open this thread http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=112430 still i didint recive my drake http://i.hizliresim.com/vQb5WA.png http://i.hizliresim.com/12LvOB.png
  8. Ok im waiting you thanks
  9. Hello i need a list for working Dungeons&Raid list to day we went alot of dungeon and raids for example Throne of the four winds we killed all mini boses but we couldnt find al akir in the middle , Malygos does a lot of dmg when you ride on drakes.Please write working dungeon below this topic thanks.
  10. Thanks for answers im waiting ^^
  11. i try but same :/ my drake is missing :'(
  12. i have 50 mount in 10x server but i didint get albino drake pls help me http://i.hizliresim.com/yAVaD0.png http://i.hizliresim.com/mrEmvy.png
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