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  1. putatuta


    wtt bonuses for csgo skins , private msg me
  2. Realm : 100x Player name : Akhenaton Reason : Insulting http://pokit.org/get/img/d85cc3d8776edbef821237a7331b87f4.jpg
  3. WTS Orc warlock 10 prideful pieces with donated sword,head,sholders and chest [210bonuses spent] + around 30 normal transmogs! 2max proffesions enchanting+tailoring 1900+ rated fully enchanted and gemmed FOR MINIMAL PRICE name Grbavac on shop!!!
  4. Human Priest with full pvp gear,2k+ cr 78 mounts + 2 donated mounts [spectral Tiger + Magic Rooster Egg] donated tmog + bunch of normal mogs 2 proffesion and 15 titles check ZUMBULKA on shop,cya
  5. 1. Stronglove 2. Fun realm 3. Using mirror images in begining of game , we all know that mirror images geting rogue and other players out of stealth > since we were in rogue's stealth (Shroud of concealment) he droped 3 of us out of stealth not leting us have opener or anything else 4. http://pokit.org/get/?653247528f261a7f56eb75c8edb0f0d0.jpg 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]74599[/ATTACH]
  6. Its server bug aka bugged spell not something that you do cuz u want to do it lol spell need to be fixed gg
  7. As title says WTS UNDEAD PRIEST Full holy pvp gear + some upgrade pve parts (neck/ring) Full disc pve gear full upgrade 2/2 66 mounts + Magic rooster egg 2 proffesions + 12 titles 2000 curent rating (2.2k acchievment) 17000 conquest points on it Full donated tmogs (tier3 + weapon) + many more transmogs Name Lioe on shop cheep as fk
  8. Name : Inkopoopinz Realm : Fun Swearing mother + some other insults on bulgarian http://pokit.org/get/?0a75bbc5114ddf72445f4fb6a3f48d3e.jpg http://pokit.org/get/?0a75bbc5114ddf72445f4fb6a3f48d3e.jpg
  9. kompjuter i lold irl hahahhah
  10. bann urself for healing in fear twice also bann half of server for abusing transmogs thanks
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