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  1. name : Apfelling reason : damage hack realm : fun proof : http://imgur.com/yUsM1Tt Ban them seriously --'
  2. name : Rollexpowa realm : fun reason : use some bug ( or hack? ) for doing crazy damage without burst proof : http://imgur.com/7TnNZzi As you can see, he juste litteraly one shot me without using any "spell"
  3. that's fun too x)
  4. And i think symbu just say "shut up i'm fat", no? xD
  5. Name : Sabiina Reason : spam, insults and racism Realm : fun Proof :http://imgur.com/L2K4kx8 http://imgur.com/5J9Qize http://imgur.com/ejYv2hd http://imgur.com/WMXEHJ3 http://imgur.com/imqr1ED As you can see, the players "Sabiina" spam about low gear , insult ( gay , stupid ) and say racism thing : ( stupid france kid , france = stupid country) (only cause i say to him : stop spam or i report you )
  6. reason not in the report
  7. madre = mother ,
  8. name : smokedayever reason : insult mother realm : fun proof : http://imgur.com/cdMDGt9 As you can see, the player : smokedayever insults kekoviy's mother, and say "retard" to him too, it's not the first time smokedayever insult people like that.
  9. lol, that's proof nothing in your screenshots
  10. Realm : Cross-test name: Dksonofoozeu reason : fly hack proof ; http://imgur.com/asRYgnW Why don't you use an anti fly hack in every realm? seriously
  11. name : maejuana realm : fun reason : fly hack in battleground proof : http://imgur.com/eDbvZem proof 2 : http://imgur.com/FwNUhwk As you can see "Maejuana" use fly hack to attack us before the bg start.
  12. Si seulement les GM trouvais un moyen pour BLOQUER l'acces a leur serveur quand un hack est detecter; çà irais un peu plus vite je pense u_u et tant pis pour ceux qui utilise CE u_u
  13. name : reetardadin reason : spamming proof :http://imgur.com/ErhiNAD
  14. name : Бадси realm : fun reason : use bug ( demonic gate) proof : http://imgur.com/5uH7aQC As you can see , this lock use bug with the demonic gate, many time in the same battleground.
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