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  1. I fixed it, the problem was in my config.wtf file. So i added SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru" SET enterWorld "1" lines to the config.wtf file and it worked. ( I still dont know why they were deleted)
  2. I dont understand what happened to my client ( I didnt do any modification to my game folders) but It started to give me that error whenever I try to log in with my pandawow account. [ATTACH=CONFIG]77737[/ATTACH] please help me.
  3. what about destro locks ? are they good for arena or afflic is better ? btw @uraganuu I'm not looking for op classes to play . I just wanted to hear others opinions about current pvp situation :)
  4. so after some changes ( I just read the change logs ) What do you guys think about current situation of classes ?
  5. Actually you dont need razer naga. ( Ofc its a really good helper for gaming ) Im using 1-2-3-4-5 Shift+1,2,3,4,5 ctrl+1,2,3,4,5 a,d,t,y,f,g,z,x,c you can try something like this. And you can make them with some basic meanings so you can remember them easly. For example Im using my CC skills in ctrl+ series. And my offansive cd's are shift+ series. Actually keybindings are really class depended. I mean if you are playing a warrior you dont need to use so much keybindings :D But when you are playing with something like warlock you will probably need many of them ps: Im sorry if I did some grammer mistakes, english is not my main language.
  6. is demo lock really viable for pvp ? I mean many people complaining about how they are weak in pvp :/
  7. Im not a pro warrior or dk player but when I look at the arena ladders (http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/info/arena.html) it gives me some ideas about warriors and dks. But I must say that UH DK is waaaay more fun than warrior for me .
  8. ahahahah :D man that was epic :D
  9. Where can we see the upcoming changes in next fix ?
  10. I dont know many thing about caster classes but I want to roll one. Actually I dont really care OP DAMAGES. I want survivability and I can sacrifice some damage for it. Spriest, Warlock or Mage, What do you guys advice ? Im sorry if I did some grammer mistakes, english is not my main language.
  11. I dont know what happened but I disconnected from game and when I tried to login back I cant login to x100 realm. But I can log in other realms. how can I solve this problem ? Please help.
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