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  1. why for everyone else Capacitor Totem works fine expect me?
  2. Realm X100 1.Character names: Oravapepu and Voltava 2.game client :5.4.8 3. on Oravapepu (shaman) totems don't work correctly. Capacitor Totem stuns only for 1sec max even it should be 4-5sec. on Voltava (monk) Mana tea doesnt work like it should. Cant get enough mana like should get. 4. i tried to solve the problem by Deleting Cache, reseting Specs and talents also Fix character on homepage, but didnt help.
  3. 1. imßa http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory.html?name=im%C3%9Fa&realm=1 2. x100 3. abusing roof in bg. and i guess he is abusing something. there is no way you can 2 Chaos bolt under 1 sec. 4. http://imgur.com/a/DjHJg on first picture you can see some weird thing. Chaos bolt did only 11k damage what is not true but nvm. i am fine even if he gets 3days ban for abusing the roof. yes i know its pandawow bug but people getting 3days banned for abusing it...
  4. 1. imßa 2. x100 3. abusing roof in bg. and i guess he is abusing something. there is no way you can 2 Chaos bolt under 1 sec. 4. http://imgur.com/a/DjHJg on first picture you can see some weird thing. Chaos bolt did only 11k damage what is not true but nvm. i am fine even if he gets 3days ban for abusing the roof.
  5. 1. Crzgirl 2. x100 3. He started to insult in arena without reason and kept whispering after arena finished. 4. http://imgur.com/a/U8gbL Since i had to upload pictures without cut.
  6. 1. Crzgirl 2. x100 3. He started to insult in arena without reason and kept whispering after arena finished. 4. http://imgur.com/a/9KrYD
  7. 1week mute? i got 30days ban for this. yes its pandawow kardan. here when you reply them "your mom is" you get 30days ban. I hve no idea who is Elergia. first day ally. :')
  8. 1. kensou, glips 2. x100 3. family insulting 4. http://imgur.com/a/BUNxU
  9. okay so tell me why my friend got banned for using gateway on that same roof and these lil *** didn't get ban??
  10. 1. Ewmalz 2. x100 3. insulting [ATTACH=CONFIG]74234[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]74235[/ATTACH]
  11. problem is he called me Slut and then i replied him with bad word. and i got ban for 30days and he dont get anything? also he started it. - - - Updated - - - also i've seen people getting banned for "insulting"
  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]74190[/ATTACH] Хасио x100 23.02.2015 too bad you must screenshot every arena now or bois will abuse it.
  13. it's server, not you.
  14. 1. all of them 2. realm: pandawow x100 3. well not sure if they flyhacked behind walls or used some exploit/abuse 4. http://i.imgur.com/DcpkAfR.jpg
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