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Posts posted by Khyntia

  1. Hola, hay varios hermandad hispanas , en horda se llama " Angeles Caidos "  . Me puedes mandar un mensaje si quieres en pandawow discord al nombre de Khyntia y te doy mas informacion.

  2. Buenas, su cuenta fue bloqueada debido a un contracargo después de que hizo una donación en pandawow. Tienes que ir: https://gamepoints.xyz/, en la web, lado izquierdo hacia abajo, tienes soporte. Escriba allí su nombre, correo electrónico, donde dice "Seleccione un socio", seleccione PandaWoW y dígales que te ayuden con su contracargo. El ID de su contracargo de Paypal es: PP-D-152062698
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  3. viktor971, please try to play x5 / x100 and farm the mats to make drums and other potions/elixirs witch are used in bg's. You are going to see is kinda hard for those players and for all players from xfun they are already for free, as I mentioned on my previous post, the drums recipe drops in front of shrine from any mob there ( I know because i've farmed for myself )


    Also i'm totaly disagree about the npc with those items even on xfun realm, you can create a char, farm the recipes and make them for yourself as much as you want. ( Thats only my opinion, all depends of devs/admins )

  4. Hello there, not that nice if you use them in bg's vs another players witch have to farm mats and craft them ( I mean for players from x5 - x100 ), drums of rage, I think everyone have a char with leatherworking ( all mats are at npc for xfun realm and easy to farm the recipe of the drums, Living action potion,Alchemy .. the receipe is at npc, you just have to get reputation if i'm not wrong ). I know you guys playing on xfun realm, but spending a bit of time "like 10 min's" isn't so hard at all.
  5. Hello there, already talked with chainz and ddos and any other players, make the video with proof they are using multiboxing ( not alt-tab ) and provide it on forums, don't open topics just to open them and stop with the drama about multiboxing ( as eDDy said, no one said to not using yourself alt tabbing, alot of players are in stealth with 4-5 rogues, hunters, druids and they just using the burst vs 1 player ). I don't see the point of this topic at all.
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