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bluejeans1997's Achievements


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  2. Hey I'm Velhari from 100x realm... last week, how do you know, gms repair some pets achievements... I completed all the achievement ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=7934/bandas-con-correa ) this one rewards a pet, (http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=93031) but i didn't received it. I checked out my mail and nothing, i received all the pets from the others achievements except this one. This is necessary to get the "Crazy cat" achievement. Priority 8/10 "
  3. Thank you very much
  4. Hey I'm Velhari from 100x realm. Yesterday i tried to log in wow, but I can't. I tried so many times. I checked out my password and my account and nothing. I told this problem to my guild friends, and they log in my account sucesfully, but not for me. A message appears says "Connecting" and another one that says "You have to log with a Battle.net account". but nothing else happens. I have the version 5.4.8 of the game, i downloaded from Torrent version. I deleted "cache" folder, i restarted my internet, pc, and used repair character on page. Priority 11/10. [ATTACH=CONFIG]122574[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]122573[/ATTACH]
  5. :( still no answers
  6. Hey !! I'm Velhari from x100 server, i learned fish some time ago, and to this day I can not keep going up fishing! i'm stuck on 75 points of fishing, i went to the fish instructor, and nothing! i can't learn more about fishing! i tried to fish in different places too, and still can't. I went to all the instructor on all cities of the alliance(Stormwind, Darnassus, Ironforge, etc) and neutral cities, but still nothing... i need this problem solved, to win all the fishing achievements Please Gamemasters!! help me Personal priority 10/10 [ATTACH=CONFIG]122323[/ATTACH]
  7. Hey !! I'm Velhari from x100 server, i learned fish some time ago, and to this day I can not keep going up fishing! i'm stuck on 75 points of fishing, i went to the fish instructor, and nothing! i can't learn more about fishing! i tried to fish in different places too, and still can't. I went to all the instructor on all cities of the alliance(Stormwind, Darnassus, Ironforge, etc) and neutral cities, but still nothing... i need this problem solved, to win all the fishing achievements Please Gamemasters!! help me Personal priority 10/10 [ATTACH=CONFIG]122322[/ATTACH]
  8. Works!!! thank you :D [ATTACH=CONFIG]95714[/ATTACH]
  9. which horde counterparts you mean? can link it pls
  10. Hi, im Xantze: http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=971/tricks-and-treats-of-azeroth achievement of halloween that doesn't work correctly this works for Hallowed Be Thy Name (http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1656/hallowed-be-thy-name) This achievement don't work, this is part of three achievements more, I have complete all 3 but not this one. I tried with achievement fixer and nothing happen. 24/10/15 I complete it all the halloween's achievement, and i don't have tittle. In 100x Realm. Priority (10/10) Greetings.
  11. Hey! hi all, I'm Xantze from 100x realm. I have this problem, achievement ID 971, doesn't work for me and i have complete it. So many players have completed this achievement, but i don't why doesn't work for me, and is the last achievement for Hallowed Be Thy Name (ID=1656) Please DEVELOPERS help me! :( i want that tittle now.
  12. 100x realm is really bad, a lot of lag, of hackers(especially in battleground) and boringness, ¿ why ? coz with 100x rates, all will be easy and fast: gold, rep, exp, loot, mounts drops, and all the other stuff, this make a blank game making it bored and monotonous. We like 10x realm coz we like our style, and every day we have something new to do, meanwhile in 100x people don't have stuff to do coz they did it in 1 day. PLEASE GMS THINK 2 MORE
  13. Boizan, where's the joke?... but if your eyes don't work.. well ;)
  14. united we are strong - Jeans.
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