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About Therealboss

  • Birthday February 23

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  1. Elite Waffle Squad the Highest Skill Capped guild on horde side lf member Req. 2k Experience, Decent English. We're going to rule horde faction in terms of PvP. You can /w me ingame : Drjoyz or Icons/Corpsemugger As soon as we'll have 15 active members we will open a TS Server entirely dedicated for the guild. Let's rule!!
  2. Proof* not PROFESSION LMAO
  3. Well I spent 50 bonuses for getting Deadly Gladiator's Greatsword and instead of that just take a look of what I've received... [ATTACH=CONFIG]88777[/ATTACH] http://i.imgur.com/XlRblhB.jpg = That's how the weapon should've looked.. I want a bonuses refund or correct item in my bags, thank you.
  4. I think they are still working about that or they are waiting to give titles the day before the first day of new season as it happens in retail WoW..
  5. Nice video, really love rogues but hey not everyone can play it unless you re playing combat rogue in WoD lol
  6. I've tried Survival Hunter for 2 days and I am playing horde I have to say that its damage is quite good eventho I expected more...lol why my hunter is not bugged at all? :/
  7. Yeah it's pre-season due to the rating reset, but personally I still don't know when next season is coming out tho.
  8. As for Rogue I'd add Rzn as well. He is multi rank 1 and he is extremely insane imho. For warriors.....where's Hoodrych? Pat? You can learn a lot of things from these guys while for DKs I only see Revolutio and Reinhart as the only really skilled players.
  9. Well this afternoon while I was doing some 2's and I told to myself:"Let's snipe somebody"§ rank 1 plays there kappa :secret::secret::secret::secret: https://vid.me/RcyR
  10. Hi my name is Mark I am 18 and I love blondies. Cya in game
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