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  1. Hi, Everytime i get killed, the spirit wont revive me, i must go to web site to reset character, and a nother think when i am in ghost form the speed is 50% so its a long time to go where someone kills me.
  2. waste of time. Please ban that player and lock topic Thanks
  3. Someone of us have multifunction mouse, and if you get owned by a clicker delete binds :D About few years you understand that game is made for fun.
  4. Ban that m*ther f*cker. Wanna relax in BG but som idiot whit no brain is ruin it, delete wow NERD http://imgbank.cz/images/2015/12/28/WoWScrnShot122815051506.jpg
  5. I try delete cache wtf interface and download new from website, reset ui delete addons, graphics low to all but still FPS down when i reasive heal from me. As i say its only on priest character.
  6. Hello, i have a problem about my priest, i dont know what is problem but after few seconds ingame i have Lag spikes, F examle i use heal and my 90-100 fps go down to 40, and wehn i go front of Stormwind i have 7fps. Mystery is that its only on Priest all other my classes are fine. I try delete addons reset everythink that i could, graphics to low, reselution on minimum but still its doing the lag spikes. So what sould i do is my question. Thanks for any possible fix. Have a nice day.
  7. http://postimg.org/image/fieyfj0xx/ ...Why you not give all hackers perma ban, not 30 days like p*ssy. I want to play not get angry.
  8. http://postimg.org/image/chc7lqqqj/ server dont have anticheat or what?
  9. hello, why cant i upgrade http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=112806/korkron-hand-cannon&bonus=450 i try relog ,delete cache, web reset nothing work . Can you help me?
  10. Nick: Rdk Realm: Fun Cheat: Fly hack,speed hack Screen: http://imgbank.cz/images/2015/07/03/WoWScrnShot070315015713.jpg Thanks. Have a nice day.
  11. Hi, pls how do i get Valor points on this realm? thanks
  12. ...UP...
  13. Hi. All pets i summon have for example melee damage 6000-6500 and when i use bestial wrath or only pet attack on target there melee damage go down to 190-200 ????? So they hit everything for 200autoattack. I try catch new pet, delete cache, but nothing work. Can you help or fix it? Thanks a LOT. If you want screens i post it when ill be back from work. Have a nice day. Привет. Все домашние животные Я призываю иметь, например, повреждения в ближнем бою 6000-6500 и когда я использовать гнев звериный или только погладить нападение на цель есть Урон идти до 190-200 ????? Так они попали все для 200autoattack. Я стараюсь поймать нового питомца, стереть кэш, но ничего работу. Можете ли вы помочь или исправить? Большое спасибо. Хорошего дня.
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