They do not ban anyone,they dont wanna lose even more voters or donators.Make a valid application if you want some attention.
You cant just threaten the russians.:D
And slow down,someone might even take you seriously,hahaha.
Oh,do they have hospitals in Serbia?That is certainly some improvement.And no,i would not visit you at the hospital because of ,,a broken spine , neck , and every bone in your body.''
Not even i care about you.
Noooo,i can hear what i am saying but now i am just writing.I can help you with that,though.Noooooo,i dont see what im writing.All i see is a society reject with irrecuperable habits and problems called Weegee.
Does it give you any comfort?
You must be really proud of yourself right now.
Oh,you can do both at the same time?AMAZING :D.Let me teach you how to do more.
Let them ban your IP so you can change it later.Use some less shameful country ip.
I see you're doing that to your guild,but why?Disband it if you dont like it,dont insult your own members.What type of monster are you?Have your brain checked,ask for a ginecologyst maybe.
See how this mongol-serbian Weegee wants to see me no more around here.What have i wronged you?Your nose?you can fix it with a punch,just ask someone that cares about it.
He is making new character and pretends that is me.LOL
But it was expected of you.
Why is my name in every report thread?Do you see any Flimsy over there?NO.
Last time i recall it,that guy is your alt.Why would you do such a thing to your own guild and guild members?Do you really want to disband it and dont know how?Tell me,i can help you.But i aint getting paid for it.
Some help for you:
I guess everyone understands what he meant saying about "M' and "D", Who are they.
Flimsy has been banned for 7 days. The reason: veiled insults towards relatives of a player.
I doubt this thing is capable enough of creating new ban reasons,he seems to misunderstand what ban and mute means.I suggest you flush him right away.Less pain for our lovely community.
What does M and D mean?Can this useless admin tell us?Or he just lives up to his name??Not my fault you cant understand.