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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=217371 Noone does. We are just all waiting for something that probably doesnt even exist .. I mean it maybe exists but maybe not ... havent seen an ything yet and 2 weeks ago they wanted to do final prepares lel
  2. Well, 1 week ago, zeox told us that hes doing only final prepares and waits for some banner or something ... its been so god damn long now and we dont get any informations ... im sick of getting asked ingame 24/7 when season will start because i also cant give an answer .. i mean idk if the website is even nearly done or not but at least release a new season. Everyone is getting 3k its a god damn mess already
  3. hm ... you have to search them all over the forums ... i mean yea repitch has abit more overview than me. However if you don't follow these rules : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 it will get declined anyways. Pretty sure you can report it as visual bug even tho i've no clue if it's already reported.
  4. Doesn't matter, the spell works as intended.
  5. sent the links to repitch and as far as i remember it was only possible in wod, not in mop The grounding part is correct but you shouldnt be able to do dmg on totems with swp
  6. Ill only join if that raging grill is raidleader ...
  7. zeox ... -.-
  8. Lmao i died
  9. Can we just FINALLY ... PLEASE start the season .. holy moly PLEASE its been a century already -.-
  10. lol ... id have stolen all the gold this kid had ... ur right repitch is kinda dumb to not take everything.
  11. Chill your tits, Gold on a private server .... wtf ? Weirdo
  12. Lol and people still wondering why ur banned Go, just go... ur useless
  13. damn kid .... im scared Funny that u talk to jegemeister. After that im pretty sure he is able to ban you
  14. I don't want to let this thread die. Machmollo ddosing lately again ! Hide ur kids and ip's !!! You are not famous. You are a fat kid that has to sell oranges on the street to pay his booter ... Sad story ? Lol #spreadtheword #savetherouter #hideurip #noipnowin #stilllosingtoeveryoneunlessyoucanddosthem #rogtrainer2
  15. oOoOOoOonline
  16. Please not 2 r1 titles in 1 season .. thats just too much .. just keep it with 1 title each season
  17. Because there is no way that soloque can be fully competitive. Yes you can tryhard to r1 and yes the Pandawow community will for sure try to make it competitive but at the end all that matters is ur comb and the people ur playing with (if ur not bad by urself ofc) . And that's RNG - - - Updated - - - Really good idea. Some hord players are just desperated to not be able to que properly arenas and i dont think that would change if they que soloque and get only hord player. Every PvP Arena player on this server (almost) plays alliance for obvious reasons (more mates for example). Would be a really good idea imo
  18. That rule should only count for dps + dps imo. If you do the same rule for dps + healer you barely get any queues on higher mmr i think ... I'd say requirement is just tyran gear. I mean it's a fun server and if people wanna que with tyran gear let them do. You won't face them on higher mmr anyways. But yeah ilvl requiremend shouild be 496
  19. love you. Did u look into the other shaman bugs already ? i have no idea ... ill look into that tomorrow
  20. Is there a way to implement a page on the website like .. on the main page would be dope (for advertising purpose) that shows the streams that are online with ingame name, stream name, viewer etc. Something like this :
  21. Edited my post.
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