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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. -2 weeks ago Opener vs ur ww + war in 3s was like that : You charged me, used reck and got tripple dr (on ur trinket) poly from deepoxy. Further discussions about if warrior are good or not are not needed. Thanks :)
  2. FeelsBadMan another warrior crying about his class is getting fixed I feel bad for you. Btw idk where u got that from but people using that work "fixed" on purpose.
  3. Wow is hard, 2s 2hard to get 2k and in 3s i don't even que because mages are Warrior is just to hard for some people, play something else ... minecraft :3
  4. Ye, Wow is a hard game :*
  5. Russian reports are always legit (They told me) So let's go, fix it please :)
  6. Ich bezweifle das du deutsch bist ... dein Deutsch ist fast so "gut" wie mein russisch xD
  7. All i have to say to videos like that i linked in the previous gargoyle report ive made. So stop tryharding and accept the fact that this is how its supposed to work.
  8. And this bug was what ? Double alter's buff what ? What are you talking about ? You are probably just mad because he farmed your ass ... nuff said, ur bad. Not arguing with a 2k Pandawow hero who think he knows shit. Tell me your name and que 3s i MIGHT take your word serious and respect you then. You are talking way way WAY to much bullshit here and trying to make a point which makes totally no sense. Twist people words more and cry about everything. You are not worth it bye. And btw, as far as i know (ive seen you in SW) you are stucking on low CR even in 2s on your rogue. So yeah, keep trashtalking people more while you have a big L2P issue.
  9. le petnova is byugd
  10. twitch.tv/sazziEU r1 Pandawow frostmage stream ! Tune in, currently 2.8k cr bcuz i dont like fame.
  11. Well .. um did you guys think about that it might be a L2P issue ? Warrior is not unplayable nor broken, im topping dmg almost every 3s game i do. Biased kids
  12. Thing is if you make threads like that zeox wont answer .. he already said they cba giving us screenshots .. idk why tho but yea ... w/e when it's almost finished i think we can talk about few days (2-3) right ?
  13. LOL ... good one I mean the joke ...
  14. Hm ... i mean you could ask more nicely but overall i can understand it ... asked zeox 1 week ago if there are screens so ive smth to believe but my msg got just ignored. Would be nice
  15. Okay it's sad that ive to be the one who tells you that ... i mean it might be your ignorant person OR ur simply missing the ability to read ... i just think you are *mb, but as we stated in the other thread already, gargoyle SHOULD NOT and i repeat NOT cast while moving. How it can happen that it sometimes looked like it was casting while moving is ALSO stated in the other thread. Now sit down because this "fix" will never happen.
  16. Holy shit ... translation .... ?
  17. Well, a valid report for example would just compare numbers and proccs from videos to Pandawow when you do have the same gear / proccs etc. Anyways yes, shockwave dmg is way too high yet they claim that the formular is correct which cant (obviously) be the case. About seasoned soldier i'm not really sure. Warrior used to oneshot everything and everyone. I played warrior by myself long enough to realise how broken this class is in Pandawow. That the dmg (i'm talking about overall) looks legit RN might has the reason that there is something bugged which we didn't figure out yet - the 25% damage reduce. So yeah, if theres an valid report noone is gonna deny everything but yeah, just crying about their class like this Russians are doing it here is just beyond dumb and won't lead to anything. The thing is yes, Milo's proof wasnt a 100% proof that it has to work like that. But it was more than everyone else delivered till yet plus it looks legit. So if its possible to find a proof that it should be affected by seasoned soldier (MOP videos and compare them to pandawow as i said earlier etc) the problem gonna be solved, im pretty sure.
  18. ^ This exactly. Would help alot if there would be some1 who could translate it or something .. I mean yeah some bugs are understandable if translated with google translate but others are just similar to hieroglyphs. I think milo made a good point here ... Just another question, what exactly is a "Pandawow tester" ? I thought that's pretty much the definition of QA
  19. Gcd doesnt go off flawless. Also it shouldnt be possiblr to disable it completly due the lag tollerancy option. Then the spells getting in que way too late and it just stucks for a millisecond before the spell goes off. Trying to make videos when ive my better internet back
  20. Noneedholy

    Tremor Totem

    pretty sure it should be 0,5 seconds such as Beam etc. But not sure !
  21. Noneedholy


    We have to explain heisenberg how to upload gyazo gif's in the forum i think :D
  22. I heard he ddosed ... hm
  23. Blablabla Get a point ... you cry like a lil 13y old kid that lost a game in CS:GO ... It's funny because whatever we said, you can NOT proof us wrong, yet you complain about "Fake reports"? I'm still waiting for an proof that it's fake ? Read our last answers you Crybaby Milo posted a proof, you are just writing here and cry that everything is unfair. Guess who they will believe ? God you are so clueless :D As i said before noone will deny anything when you post proofs ... but all i see are words from you guys HOW IT SHOULD WORK. Without a proof that it's like that. I won't say anything if you bring a valid proof i swear. But till then stay less toxic and try to write smth usefull instead of blaming everyone whos not with ur opinion. Bye, not gonna explain further. I told you guys my PoV and till now noone could argue against my point, all you guys did pretty much was trashtalking. Gj on that, thats sad. Anyways gonna response when there will be some1 with an valid Point.
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