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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. And you keep posting those flute songs even tho noone ever fcking laughed bout any of your jokes ? Shithead gtfo here, you suck and ur useless anyways
  2. lol it's a taco, what you expect ?
  3. Negative, still bugged as fuck. Especially in 3s it fucks you really hard.
  4. Ah ye ... That's so great to get blanket cs'd from locks during ur whole Alter time :) And noone from them even reportet it yet xD ty
  5. You should really read how to report a bug otherwise it will get declined anyways
  6. Sup boys.
  7. What? Invocation gives you a cd on evocation ?
  8. Did server update today ? Nice
  9. Yep, still a thing
  10. Rolex stfu ur trash. Ty for the +2 today, stupid rat. Btw stop whispering us after every lose you dumb moron
  11. Ur so fucking retarded ... just quit that game you fucking moron and stop making useless threads F F S At least FUCKING READ THE TOOLTIP YO inbred taco Ive another question: why are tacos always fucking stupid ?
  12. Noneedholy

    5th Season

    Actually i am because why would u care bout a new s. ? There are good 2s and 3s ques so let them do, why would u need a season to que arenas rofl
  13. Idk if you just act so stupid or if you really are but me and nemifest are trolling around gosh some ppl baited.
  14. You god damn genius, ur full hp ofc u dont consume them gosh mw's on pandawow ...
  15. Noneedholy

    Brain Freeze

    Well sotf should consume NS since its not instant
  16. There you see the education from a lock who plays on 2.8 in 2s here. Pretty nice huh ? :) And people really do ask me why russians are so hated when 80% of their player base consists of people lke that
  17. Noneedholy

    Brain Freeze

    Can you add that FFB procc consumes pom ? I feel like we bug more things than we fix -.-
  18. U both are worthless nemifest US virgin confirmed. Also US wigger 4Head
  19. 1. Every reflect in that game. 2. Whenever you use a spell in reflect, it can crit. For example an icelance proc (which would normally do ~60-70k) in reflect would shoot back an icelance which does 60-70k. That's fine but in your combat log it's not registered as crit. It does the same amount of damage but it's just not registered as crit. 3. The damage you get back from reflect (If you did a critical hit in reflect) should be adressed as "crit". 4. 21.12.2016 5. x100 / fun 6. 6/10 well ... Firemages for example benefit from that at most. (not getting proccs atm due their reflected spells are not adressed as critical hits).
  20. Okay i talked with baz about this issue now and ... It is not supposed to break when ... well i ll just quote him Seems logic for me
  21. It did crit for 6k Also pretty sure novas from a firemage shouldn't break any polys ... as we can see in the vid
  22. /summon heisenberg to fix what he fcked up
  23. Sadly that's true
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