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    Vengeful Gladiator (Akyuama), 1st season

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  1. perhaps if the combatlog even worked I'd use it and put a picture of it guardian not working vs dks either .... 0 dampening 0 necros dots killed him randomly through guardian without it proccing fix this shit
  2. what do you need combat log for I am dying through guardian ..because I take so many hits so quickly or some shit if you die with guardian up ..yeah ..it should heal you?
  3. perhaps it is all random words but something is certainly wrong because even I am unable to kill random trash hunters who use defensive CDs incredibly incorrectly due to being under the most extreme pressure you could ever imagine literally playing with a 1.5k brain on 2.5k CR, I never used to have such issues
  4. nothing about hunters is working legit they're absolutely bugged to fuck
  5. just use tmorph?? :S
  6. mfw necroing years old posts
  7. yeah about 1k euros bump - would love to see this become a thing
  8. Apparently nobody else had issues - just me, it only just occurred to me to try and use a different account to log into the game with to see if it works, which it does. The strange problems seem to only occur with just 1x of my accounts, which is rather unfortunate as it's my main account
  9. Every time I attempt to log into the server via the wow.exe or launcher I get taken to the realm selection page, I select either fun or x100 and then it instantly says "disconnected from the server". I attempted to re-install the entire pandawow client on a separate SSD and I still receive exactly the same problems. https://i.gyazo.com/501c3a303be8f88c122af1d02d4dd91c.png https://i.gyazo.com/a3cdde7e42daa6409a084e3d0917fdc4.png https://gyazo.com/bc81b1ea617c65b3b4c94a06044875d4
  10. I think I've transcended the term "nerd" and become the alphanerd or something similar
  11. I'm beginning to notice a trend here, all the PvE nerds are on x100 and all the PvPers are on Fun which begs the question I believe Repitch is going to bring up! WHY IS THERE A CROSS SERVER WHICH KEEPS DCING EVERY 5 MINUTES IF NOBODY ON X100 IS DOING ANY PVP
  12. I play exclusively on Fun, PvP.
  13. Well if you appeal to the mediocre players and not the others, you get a dead (ghost) server whose population you've no idea even exist because they're all queuing at 1.5k while doing their fishing / cooking / reputation dailies and don't even appear in the spectator or others ever queue into (like what we mostly have now) If those guys had something to work towards as well then perhaps they'd want to try and improve their gameplay and get better to earn things the problem is no high rated 3s, if you leave the 1.5k people doing their dailies and queuing for conquest points you'll never have any decent rated 3s perhaps the biggest thing which could inject a lot of high rated players (new and old) into 3s and 2s would be fixing ALL the spells and stop breaking them (although this has been pointed out to be improbable of happening due to technical reasons), and awarding money for the top players at the end of the season ..and REMOVING THE OPTION TO BUY AN UNBAN AFTER CHEATING ......................... and be more strict with bans, actually have smart GMs amoung the players and permanently ban people DDosing / Wintrading without us having to provide pages of evidence which you most of the time don't even care about or use and just be more strict in general and seriously now, you see somebody like Roguetrainer come back to the server after ddosing and wintrading you don't even wait until his next offense, you see him again you just instantly ban him, people like this should not be welcome here If you've ddosed / wintraded and been caught, you should be banned forever and any attempt to circumnavigate the ban by creating a new account should not be allowed, for anybody.
  14. even something as simple as making leg enchant / shoulder enchant require 2,000 CR in 2s + 1,750 CR in 3s simultaneously would feel so cool, like ..this server is just a bunch of random people playing un-seriously a few times a week to kill an hour or less, there is no point to even play on here you gotta captivate people and make them achieve something, otherwise the feeling to continue playing is not there I dunno, I am not good at articulating my thoughts but, you get the general idea If I have something better to do, I'd go do it in a heartbeat, but if I was working towards something like "attaining this leg enchant or piece of gear" I'd put in more time and feel good about it and want to continue playing more after earning it because I put the time in and got rewarded physiologically, like a personal mini-mission victory of mine and once you've earned something and felt good about it, you'll continue to play because the vast majority of people won't quit after earning something they put a lot of time / energy into, otherwise it'd just be wasted for them, not everybody would have it at the same time as well because others earn it faster / slower than others, so this teeny, tiny little advantage over other players feels mentally good and makes you wanna continue and even showing off in some sense just by having it take for example (on a lesser scale) that feeling you got when on vanilla live 1.12.1 and you inspected a guy with a piece of gear from Naxx like t3 head or Naxx weapon, felt epic and like ..you wanted to be that guy
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