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  1. ++I'm think the same way as Pain does. Multiboxing is funny and shouldn't be prohibited. You guy's should set a limit of accounts that can be logged in. But to delete it entirely isn't the right way.
  2. That isn't the job from the Gm's its the job from the Admin team.
  3. For somthing like that you need a Video proof otherwise this report will get declined
  4. Close it i can do it now
  5. Hey there! I was trying to log into my alt account and it always say this : https://prnt.sc/gupb14 I have pretty much 0 idea what to do now. Hope anyone here can help me
  6. No its not for 1 day you need to wait a few minutes or maybe 1 hour then you are unbanned
  7. Its a reupload i dont think any gm is banning him. Because it got declined once
  8. Hey there, As I said in your last report against Pikalee, you get banned for everything but never shows your side what you said ;) You just trigger other players to report them and after that you gonna be happy cuz you just banned some 1 who got triggerd by you. Do you think its fair? Nope its not. Show the gms and us your words what you said. do it and he can get banned not just his side of talking. Edit: Why dont you show us your chat that what you said to him? Or why do you hide it? :)
  9. No he could tell you about some one who said that. And as i saw you got banned. Why should we believe you? You're lair anyways, you say in other reports for wintrading "Yea ban them they are terrible" and you wintrading by yourself. That is selfless af... And now tell me why should we believe you?
  10. The proof screenshot is from Google Translate? Wow dude. He could mean every 1 just to say he said "your" family is incest is garbage. He never said a name or smthing like that.
  11. Name: Jannis Realm: Fun Reason: Insutling / racism Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQEsRzVXH28&feature=youtu.be I really hope he's getting banned cuz im black and i hate to get called a Ni*** It's not cool and i hope you gonna do somthing against it. Thank you alot!
  12. No name = No bann dude
  13. Fly hack will get Detected. So if he rlly use fly hack then he is already banned. If he use TP hack then maybe not.
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