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  1. Бонусы 2 и 4 из набора T15 не работают на Retribution Paladin в Царстве Веселья. https://db.pandawow.me?spell=138159/item-paladin-t15-retribution-2p-bonus https://db.pandawow.me?spell=138164/item-paladin-t15-retribution-4p-bonus Если это сработало, прежде чем вы сможете исправить это снова, пожалуйста The T15 Set Bonus the 2/4 does not work on Fun realm. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=138159/item-paladin-t15-retribution-2p-bonus https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=138164/item-paladin-t15-retribution-4p-bonus Do not work on Both Realms x100 and xFun. Не работайте одновременно с областями x100 и xFun.
  2. Link500

    Green Fire warlock

    Have a Guy the same problem i have finished all quests with cortex and from sw trainer. I stucked by mark from black temple.
  3. Yes its right say Hello to 250k elementar blast :D. the burst is op^^
  4. Bump and fixxed this Shit a melee shaman is nothing with no Windfury....terrible to play -.-. PLS Dev and Admins fix this bug. I need to play my shaman.
  5. Yes my englisch is Bad :). Have try gquit and the command is not working...Ingame say me iam in a Guild.
  6. Hellt Administration have a huge problem... Sinne have a inv in a Guild can not more leave the Guild or join a New guild... Ingame see on the Guild Window iam not in a Guild. Problem ist a huge Bug. Darkpriestys Fun Server Alliance Site
  7. Hello i buy you char for not more than 800 Points over this is for me to much Money ;). - - - Updated - - - Hello i buy you char for not more than 800 Points over this is for me to much Money ;).
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