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  1. This player kill us in gurubashi arena and flyhack to run away :/[ATTACH=CONFIG]83060[/ATTACH]
  2. Well i got that quest at the lock trainer and i know this quest by heart and the soulstones aren"t on the map that's all :/
  3. That quest is epic, we can have a green fire with our locks so can you do something about it ? The soulstones don't appear on the map. thanks for reading.
  4. The player Hechicero : Shadow Priest, undead on fun server is stealth during the whole arena he show him every 15 sec and stealth 3 sec after, his mate is a monk so it's not symbiosis or the stealth of the rogue, it's logic ? He heals his mate during stealth with the Lvl 60 talent. thanks for reading.
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