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About Счмитз

  • Birthday 08/09/1997

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  1. -Deztroyers -Realm x100 Teleport hacker, in less than a minute he cap and retake flag and cap again. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/fR9s3X9 https://imgur.com/k3clMzD
  2. I had in my bags x24 Titan steel bar and after the server down, they did not appear again, I checked the previous characters from which I gathered the materials and nothing there, they can check their record that they were not used at any time, please request help for restore my materials. I attached an image in which it reflects that they were x24 Titan steel Bars, in the bank of my guild, which I picked up before the x100 server down. https://imgur.com/a/9vDQD29 Character: Gullam Realm: x100
  3. Great thanks)
  4. -Reigon -x100 -Spam. proof http://imgur.com/a/8FpwA http://imgur.com/BJLKcOZ
  5. вэлджин крохахавроха Realm x100 fly or teleport, There is no way to get there without a hack.
  6. -Filthymaggot -x100 - Email: your_soul_is_mine@hotmail.com -190.200.14x.xx -proof [ATTACH=CONFIG]119232[/ATTACH] -i want to transfer one of my characters to my main account 'n i can't because my email is broken or something like that..:sad: i hope you can help me with this issue.
  7. Yes,of course but i don't receive yet.. I took 8 hours waiting. My email: your_soul_is_mine@hotmail.com
  8. Hi i try to transfer my character to another account and i don't recieve 'email' to read instructions i need some help
  9. -Poseer -x100 Fly hack It is more than obvious http://imgur.com/a/nwCWs
  10. Name: ... Realm x100 proof: http://imgur.com/vHoCMZA http://imgur.com/Uf1XBHZ
  11. [ATTACH=CONFIG]106056[/ATTACH]
  12. Hi, I want to report the failure to the set item S8 warrior,i want to get it but is not... http://i.imgur.com/lL83u80.jpg I hope you can help me with this little problem. http://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=863/wrathful-gladiators-battlegear http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=51541/wrathful-gladiators-plate-chestpiece http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=51542/wrathful-gladiators-plate-gauntlets http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=51543/wrathful-gladiators-plate-helm http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=51544/wrathful-gladiators-plate-legguards
  13. Name: Ranck Realm: Fun Reason: Flyhack (Watch the time in the textbox) Proof: http://imgur.com/a/qydKS
  14. Not problem :)
  15. Chorizar x100 этот человек оскорбляет страну, как вы можете видеть,прошу какое-то наказание за это http://imgur.com/I5fXcih
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