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Everything posted by Zekks

  1. (С помощью переводчика, я француз!) Я мог бы иметь некоторую информацию о алан? Его респаун к примеру?
  2. No ! But I search in Horde & Alliance and 0 character have this name ! And if the name is already take, i recieve message with " Name already taken " x)
  3. Hi ! First for all, sorry for pityless english, I'm french ! ^^ Okay, I have buy a new character in the shop and, I want to rename this character ! But, I have one problem, I have buy a Nick Change 100 Bonuses at shop and when I go to the game for change my name, I have one error message : ( FR ) http://image.prntscr.com/image/4f2e4740c3164507abdc77fd6f38402a.png Us Translate : Impossible to personalize the character ! How can it be done? Thank you for an answer! Sincerely, Zekks
  5. Yo les gens ! Aujourd'hui, je poste ce message car ma guilde la " COLLER LA PETITE " une guilde PvP /PvE sur le serveur Fun, recherche de l'effectif afin de rigolé ou joué ! Nous sommes de grands fou et nous adorons rire ! Nous vous invitons a contacter : egzycanivs ( skype ) ou Zekks / Egxl / Zergul / Burzgrokash / Keyths / Azerttyy / Myn pour rejoindre la guilde ! Voilà tout ! Cdt, Zekks.
  6. Hi all ! Today, I go to post on this forum but I have a problem in game ! I have bought any mounts " Cloud-Serpent " but, I need the spell " Gona up Cloud-Serpent " ! Thus, I go to Pandarie for rush the reputation of the order of clouds-serpents, now, i'm exalted, but i don't can learn the spell for gona up any mounts. How to acquire this skills? Even by being excited, master of watch does not want to teach him to me. Sincerely, Zekks.
  7. Hi! ( Sorry for my bad english, i'm french ) Today, someone tried to invite me to his guild, but I have not received invitations I fixed my character on the site as seen in old topics, and relog, reload. But still nothing, can you help me? Best Regards, Zekks
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