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About UnknowN8DE

  • Birthday 05/15/1999

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  1. Account is Safe, No need for a change anymore. Thanks!
  2. Hey, maybe you guys can change the gold coin limit to sell a character, maybe to 400 is the lowest u can go..
  3. Hello, I had a Character on x100 with a russian name (rogue level 90) I putted that char in the Shop to sell, now I checked it, and the char is not in the shop and not on my account, and I also didnt received gold coins, Can you please check that out? Thanks Torben DONE! DELETE PLEASE!
  5. Hello, I tried to transfer my Warrior on a other Account. I received emails from pwow, but I dont receive the one for Transfer
  6. Well, It does take effects, cuz u cant buy chars with silver currency :p
  7. So why dont u make it fair and convert it in Gold? damn this server ...
  8. Hello, I had 30 bonuses before the Update, and my char sold 2 days ago, Now I dont have any Gold Currency??
  9. Name: Wode Realm: xFun Realm Insult: Fils de pute(fdp) = son of a bitch Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]122520[/ATTACH]
  10. Name: Rollexpowa Realm: xFun Insult: mother insult Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]120888[/ATTACH]
  11. Name: Qualityy Realm: xFun Insult: FDP = Fils de pute = son of a whore Evidence/Screenshot: [ATTACH=CONFIG]120882[/ATTACH]
  12. Name: Heyitsdanzs Realm: xFun Insult: Fils de Pute (FDP) Screenshot: [ATTACH=CONFIG]120852[/ATTACH]
  13. It's not bannable because It isnt an Insult. Try more Kid. -Seyoxe
  14. Name: Sweptpalqt Realm: xFun Info: He said FDP = Fils de pute = Son of a Whore Screenshot: [ATTACH=CONFIG]120732[/ATTACH]
  15. 20.000 people say fdp, and they never got banned. well, your choice. - - - Updated - - - he means, Fils de pute.
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