1. Deathnøtz https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5002053.html
2. xFun
3. Wintrading solo 3s, his friend pretend lag every game when they get eachother :D
4. I even predict him getting the achievement before he got it during the recording........
5. Proof : https://streamable.com/g7f5u7
6. Suyo, https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5983492.html 2.2k+ 2s atm doesnt play like this without dismounting the whole game jumping in circles !
His bestfriend 2v2 partner just happend to not dismount the last game for his friend to reach 2.2 ! https://imgur.com/a/Un7EaQD