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  1. Every time I try to report I forgot my password, it doesn't work and just says "Security code is wrong" or whatever. Every time I try to change my password on my account, it says my current password is wrong. Now I can't even login to my account because apparently the password was changed to some unknown password. Account name: jordan83222 Account email: jordan83222@gmail.com Please change my password and send me an email to what it is. Thank you.
  2. jordan83222


    The problem with 3s is on such a small server, it's a lot harder to find teammates I think. In 2s, you can easily find anyone. I mean, on retail, you can find a third member within 5 minutes using group finder. But, on tiny servers, people are both too lazy and not good enough for 3s. I'd prefer a server that's completely dedicated to 3s. Plus, because of the OP comps on Panda, nobody wants to queue because it's just retards spamming fotmcleave all day. I, for one, would love to play God/RMD, but since this server is so hell-bent on making these retarded comps(WLS/WMS) overpowered compared to every other comp, I can't do that. Sure, it's possible, every comp can beat every comp. But tbh it's not worth spending a couple months trying to master these difficult to play comps if you'll just get hard-countered by backpedaling morons. WMS wasn't even close to viable in MoP. Look at Push Push, their druid, Coding, is originally a shaman, but he swapped to druid because it was much better. And I hadn't even heard of WLS until I came to Panda. It only just became viable in WoD and it's still not as good as it is on panda. I applaud those who try to play skilled comps(even if they're dogshit). And don't even get me started on how often new fotm comps show up. For example, BM KFC, or maybe we'll see a bm jungle/beast cleave sometime this month actually getting somewhere. I'm not saying those comps are extremely easy, but with a BM, it's definitely not a difficult comp. *cough* Hatchet *cough* Anyway, just my thoughts on the matter. PS: I have beaten Xeca's WLS as God comp but that was only once when our Mage actually listened and did correct setups on the correct players. All-in-all, this server would be more 3s related if a larger variety of comps were playable.
  3. The only two I'd change would be rogue: Repitchx and Alexisrenn, and Warrior: Noneed, Blaston. Claimi is dogshit and so is Neik/Mystic. @Third Post
  4. Quest: Laying Waste to the Unwanted. Bug: Quest doesn't work at all. What it should do: When you use the "Flaming Torch" on a thrower, it should burn the thrower, however it doesn't do anything. This is the one quest I wanted to do and it's the one quest I've found to be bugged, that really pisses me off. Quest resides in Hellfire Peninsula given by the NPC known as Dumphry just outside Honor Hold. - - - Updated - - - Actually managed to figure it out. Each one of the throwers has a frame you can click on and kill. Once you kill it, it says you've burned it. However, fix for future reference please.
  5. Not many people do this but I felt I should. I love PandaWoW. There's so much shit wrong with it, but that's what makes it fun. To all Mods/GM's/Devs: Thank you for providing the best private server in the world!
  6. *cough* Russian server, 2.7 *cough*
  7. ^ Not sure why we have to follow these rules, it's literally pointless.....
  8. Really? You're asking for that? First of all, you can tell that he doesn't have the "x100" next to his name in the game, ergo he's obviously on my realm. And, as you can see in my signature, I am Setfenv-FUN, so he's on FUN. Also, the time is in my chat. Another thing, you can see him flying in the air with the arena things on the right side... Also, gladius doesn't work unless you're in an arena, so that's proof he's flyhacking in arena. But, it shouldn't matter...
  9. Names: Healffr and Møssa Realm: Fun Description: Fly hacking in arena, yet still lost... Proof:[ATTACH=CONFIG]102009[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]102010[/ATTACH] Please ban these guys, they're a disgrace to World of Warcraft....
  10. Yet, I get banned for saying one little insult towards anyone. LOL, logic.
  11. ^ It isn't an achievement though. It SHOULD be, but you guys never gave them the achievements for the titles...
  12. I have more pics if needed btw.
  13. Name: Lamefck Realm: FUN Description: Spamming [ATTACH=CONFIG]100806[/ATTACH]
  14. *cough* warrior *cough* - - - Updated - - - And by the way, @Deielrion, I queued with brand new chars on live and still got 2k at around 30-35 wins. BRAND NEW CHARS, aka, NO MMR FOR EITHER OF US.
  15. Honestly, I'd rather them fix the rating system. On live, you can get 2k with 30-35 wins, on here, it's 60-70 depending on your win/loss ratio. And by the way, Kaily has around 300 wins and like 35 losses, Noneed has 200 wins and 33 losses, yet they're the same rating. Don't you think that's a little weird?
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