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Everything posted by Sashagreyx

  1. Таким образом, вы откладываете этого человека, основываясь на подозрении? хахаха серьезно у вас нет доказательств
  2. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/994/080/f5d.jpeg
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]108319[/ATTACH] queue 3s to get farmed more ;______; stop cyber-bullying me ;_____; pls friends help me ;_____;
  4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]108317[/ATTACH] keep ctrl c ctrl v
  5. seems like you dont have anything else to say beside spamming ctrl+c ctrl+v ... sad, I thought you forum nolife got more to say ... [ATTACH=CONFIG]108315[/ATTACH]
  6. man please say something else its not funny anymore, your scream makes my heart hurt [ATTACH=CONFIG]108313[/ATTACH]
  7. you post at 6 AM and you say im here since 10min lmao take my pseudonym serious when you dont have any argument beside a cringy stream outtake where you scream like the disgusting little pig that you are
  8. LMAO even in description ahahah triggering intensifies there MOM BRING THE CAMERAAAAAA OOOOOOOOOOOAAaaoaoaoooaAAAA [ATTACH=CONFIG]108310[/ATTACH]
  10. how to deal with 2 angry german kids 101 (GONE SEXUAL) (ONE SUCKING THE OTHER FAT GINGER FAG) ahahah
  11. roflmaooooooooooo IS THIS BAIT ? WHY AM I CRINGING SO HARD ? are you aware of how pity it is ? you fkin scream for this ? man wtf ahah ? you're fucking insecurities is showing man, you should make a fucking cringe compilation of your sad life bro fucking disgusting fat ginger, I want you to get laid, I can tell that you are not getting laid alot, but when you'r doing screams like this it makes me sad grow a little and stop do this faggot shit bro [ATTACH=CONFIG]108302[/ATTACH]
  12. mfw some kids take a pseudonyme in a game this serious [ATTACH=CONFIG]108300[/ATTACH]
  13. some people in this thread should get their dick sucked and stop WoW for awhile lmao ... you are aware that you are litteraly flooding this private server forum for some shit that nobody gives a shit about ? maybe you are 14 years old and you need to prove something for yourself, but guys pls turn off the computer and go see the world, nobody of you will become pro or known streamers, you need to wake the hell up, you play on a private server which is bugged as fuck and you flood screens (which maybe get you hard) but nothing of this will help you become better. this forum is a fucking zoo where every kid spam "LOL u bad xD" in every single msg.
  14. [ATTACH=CONFIG]108292[/ATTACH] lurk moar
  15. news ? can we know what's going on ? EDIT : nvm, pandawow's up, gj staff
  16. >inb4 warrior nerf >inb4 40% of pandawow's population vanishes >mfw >http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh253/jimifunguzz/reaction%20faces/reaction-face-MikeTyson-as-Herman-Cain.gif
  17. same problem here
  18. pls we need a hotfix on this so we can see OTHER COMPS THAN WMS/WLD/TSG in 3s. christ sake...
  19. idk what you are talking about but i'll test it. we'll see.
  20. bump ........
  21. bugged spell : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117907 description of the problem : the MW monks mastery allows them to summon randomly a healing sphere when they are healing, but when you are (or your allies) are full life, the spheres spawned by the mastery should not be consumed. In fact, in pandawow, even at 100% hp you consume the healing sphere when stepping on it, which makes the glyph http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=85689 (glyph of enduring spheres) pretty useless and in fact nerf MW in a 3v3 situation, where the mastery is pretty useful. priority : 7/10 date of test : 22/03/2016 realm : fun proof : (around 1:00 dannycarey is stepping multiple time on the spheres aoe but dont triggers them since he's full hp) PS : I think that the normal healing spheres too should not be consume when the person who step on it is full hp, but since I cant prove it atm, I'll not make any report. Maybe later with advanced researches.
  22. Sashagreyx

    Bored of Pandawow

    Wonderful ! yet nobody gives a single flying fuck
  23. this thread is the exact reason why pandawow forum is cancerous
  24. [triggering intensifies]
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