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Everything posted by Phanttom

  1. - - - Updated - - - and one more ;) Love it
  2. No one keeps you here,we like Pandawow and we are staying here. P.S QA team does their job nice,no one cares if you dont like them,so do a favor to all and shut up :)
  3. There is a way to avoid that.. I guess you know that Discord can be used from browser right ? So for protection you can use browser Opera developer,that browser have free VPN (you can change your IP to few others) and there is no way getting your IP. (the browser is totally free.. and its made for protection nothing illegal there) P.S I dont really know that you can talk from browser (never tested that).But if you want to be protected you should use that.
  4. Finally found someone to report that thing with the dungeons.. Thanks ! P.S gonna be much better if they put around 20 dungeons per hour :D
  5. Hello, Nothing personal but i am curious what exactly you want administration to do ? ddos him back ? :) no point in reporting.. P.S i am not really sure that reporting from Discord counts.. bacause it can be modified easily. and one more thing getting IP from Discord is almost impossible. Have a nice day
  6. That doesn't change a thing. Using Fly hacks are forbidden.
  7. Fly hack to get out of area ? Really ??? Next time to know if your character is stuck somewhere and you cant get out visit your control panel and repair your character.. simple and easy.. :)
  8. farewell Borz. Have fun.
  9. Hello. Please admin to reset my Achievements to get http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8484/grievous-combatant and http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8642/prideful-combatant . Already tried Achievement npc fix didnt worked. Nickname:Hectør Server:PandaWoW x100
  10. Realm:PandaWoW x100 Nickname: Deadlysins Class:Hunter Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/OrNSt
  11. 1.Name of the violator: Небаньменя 2.Realm, where you saw the violation: Pandawow FUN realm. 3.Description of the violation:Speed hack,Teleport hack (150 flags in bg) Proof:[ATTACH=CONFIG]105123[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105124[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105125[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105126[/ATTACH]
  12. Alright,everything is back ! thanks for help :)
  13. Okay i agree :) i just want to fix my achievements :) thank you !
  14. Alredy used,but the Battleground Master achievements cant be fixsed. for some reason tryed already 4-5 times to fix it.
  15. Hello, I returned to play PandaWoW again,and i saw that all of my chars was transferred to x100. Okay that sounds good we will be more players online, but where the hell are my achievements !? i had around 7800 achievment points,i tryed to fix them,but it takes too long fixsed around 3200 points. but some of the Battleground achievements like http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1172/master-of-warsong-gulch and http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=5258/master-of-the-battle-for-gilneas cant be fixsed. you can check that i have around 2300 played battlegrounds and there is no battleground achivments !? please fix my achievements :) -Thanks Nickname: Deadlysins x100 - Oldnickname:Phanttom x10
  16. Are you some kind of rasist to make jokes with asians language ??? what means "ching lung tang wing" its funny for you ? and DO not edit your pictures.. what you have to hide for ??? hmm.. P.S Asian Language is allowed in PandaWOW !
  17. No time in the chat = No flood
  18. I have checked also another Thread and i found this: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=143296&highlight=Phone+number :) so you can realy change your email via SMS :P
  19. Okay,i saw it already.. :) your country is useing Euro right ? i think you can try useing another country.. and pay from it.. :) i dont have the right operator.. they are different in the site.. :) but worked :P just giva a try.. :) or wait for admin
  20. Why you cant bind it ? :) explain please, a problem or ? smt else
  21. Try binding a Phone Number.. :) will help you
  22. Try to bind a phone number on the Site(control panel) it should work :)
  23. http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/coolline-cooldowns
  24. 1.Ник нарушителя: Thánatos 2.Игровой мир, где было совершено нарушение; х10 3.Точное подробное описание нарушения или цитата из правил;Расизм 4.http://uploads.ru/vXQf2.jpg , http://uploads.ru/x6dMk.jpg
  25. 1.Ник нарушителя: Thánatos 2.Игровой мир, где было совершено нарушение; х10 3.Точное подробное описание нарушения или цитата из правил;Расизм 4.http://uploads.ru/vXQf2.jpg , http://uploads.ru/x6dMk.jpg
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