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  1. Because you can get everything as tmog wise through currency and not progress.
  2. More like, the devs touch more stuff than supposed to. I feel like they just do it the easy way ( Put a script on whats bugged without realizing WHAT it can do, instead just erasing everything and redo'ing it so "glitches" won't appear )
  3. Could you view the ingame tooltip? I remember it's NOT supposed to be 100% eh.
  4. Lol nigga... even look in the fucking comments, you idiot.. Shadow dance enables you to use stealth abilities, but doesn't make you go stealth.
  5. open up your character menu and go to title. Show your titles there.
  6. true that *wishing this will get fixed and applied on monday plzzz*
  7. what am i ignorant about?
  8. Chance should be 5%+/-
  9. i remember at some point whenever you click on LW to get healed, you don't target frame it but just get healed, or am i wrong?
  10. You're blind, if not. I'll doo 500k Chaos bolt, brb!
  11. Lol can you exaggerate more with 260k RSK? only pve items can do that...
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