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About Luiz

  • Birthday 11/21/1997

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  1. Fuck pandawow -'- unthankful
  2. It reached a new server Name: Pandawow lose 3% Of your players in 2 days, If this continues at least 3 weeks will be more than 8%. All the people I know are playing on the new server that was released on 27/03/2016. This server is really good, it gives "tmogs" for free The game is full pvp What do we do? Why i repost? Link1: http://prntscr.com/an7zpy Link2: http://prntscr.com/an80kh 2 Players? ops. Its fast ? Pandawow all ungrateful.!
  3. It reached a new server Name: Pandawow lose 3% Of your players in 2 days, If this continues at least 3 weeks will be more than 8%. All the people I know are playing on the new server that was released on 27/03/2016. This server is really good, it gives "tmogs" for free The game is full pvp What do we do?
  4. Sry
  5. Lel this feral its so good really :) i want, but i no have bonuses
  6. I came back, I was sick sorry.
  7. Hello invite my monk to guild :) Lüückmønk
  8. Muted * :)
  9. I also think the game really cool!
  10. Mach Lück here
  11. I sent a message to the GMs, Warning about the error that my friend has. " Problem of the Change Race " He buy 2x And said they would fix it, Step 6 days since then. Name of my friend : Seidenn Race: Undead try to change to Orc Class Warrior : Fury/Arms Prints: http://prntscr.com/akj70f Prints: http://prntscr.com/akj7b4 Prints: http://prntscr.com/akj6tg If you can arrange thank this guy does not leave me alone. REALLY SAVE ME :)
  12. WAT???
  13. Okay, now i undestand.
  14. It's called invisible mode.
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