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  1. BUmp again
  2. BUMP! Windfury Still broken ! Doesnt proc while using 2hand weapon seriously? if you equip a 2h as enhancement shaman, and you use windfury weapon enchant, it will never proc. I tested it multiple times, the reason is the following: 1.) Windfury weapon doesn't give you 8550 attack power when it procs (as it should) 2.) Windfury weapon deals damage based on your off-hand weapon damage (which works again incorrectly), making you unable to hit people with 2h weapons, since you don't have off-hand weapon in that case. No matter on which weapon you use the windfury (if you have 2x1h weapons), it will always deal damage based on offhand weapon.
  3. Bump! Looks like this part of the quest got fixed (Book is already there and i've completed this part) Now cant accept next one http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32317/seeking-the-soulstones (HORDE SIDE the NPC doesnt give any quest) Also found a bug (Alliance can accept http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32317/seeking-the-soulstones ) even if they are not warlocks and not started the whole chain from the beginning. Best regards!
  4. That's why i made this report post, because this part is easy to fix its just an object book on the ground.
  5. Hello everyone, we are going straight to the quest http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32309/a-tale-of-six-masters 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=212212/legacy-of-the-masters-part-1 2. The object for the quest doesn't exist. It must be a small blue readable book on the ground which you can right click to get your quest completed. Screenshots of the object: http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32309/a-tale-of-six-masters#screenshots:id=420387 http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=212212/legacy-of-the-masters-part-1#screenshots:id=338558 3. Proof how it should work: It must be a small blue readable book on the ground which you can right click to get your quest completed. 4. Tested on 16.05.2015, 17.05.2015, 18.05.2015 Tested on both alliance and horde 5. Tested on Pandawow 100x realm but i believe it is the same on all. 6. Well priority of the problem hm i will say "7", because its kinda core warlock quest from the chain The Codex of Xerrath (The chain that gives your fire spells green looking) EDIT: Bump! Looks like this part of the quest got fixed (Book is already there and i've completed this part) Now cant accept next one http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32317/seeking-the-soulstones (HORDE SIDE the NPC doesnt give any quest) Also found a bug (Alliance can accept http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32317/seeking-the-soulstones ) even if they are not warlocks and not started the whole chain from the beginning. Best regards! That is how whole chain should work
  6. Today i've made warlock, leveled it up in couple hours and started the quest Codex of Xerrath (warlock green fire/flames) Im stuck at "A Tale of Six Masters" http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32309/a-tale-of-six-masters Because the tome doesn't exist. It is imporant quest for warlocks and i really hope that it will get fixed soon
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