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  1. Druid - Minpojke,Esko,Pelicanx DK- Absolutezero jk
  2. Easy kappa
  3. Name of the violator : Fireagainyou Realm : Fun Description of the violation Using fly hack Proof: http://i.imgur.com/MEg5sd1.jpg
  4. Yeah,he just wants to make dks bad when they are actually working good lol shame.
  5. Stop creating useless posts pls. Instead of posting try to learn the game. http://wow.gamepedia.com/Necrotic_Strike http://i.imgur.com/EnJAYs3.png Idk how come that necro should affect by armor.
  6. Name of the violator : Singeautiste Realm : Fun Description of the violation : Using Fly hack Proof: Comments to the situation (if it needed). : You can see clearly that hes in boomkin form and flyin.
  7. Name of the violator : Spamsametuch Realm : Fun Description of the violation: Using fly hack and tryin to kill from the air Proof: http://imgur.com/D1AYPsM http://imgur.com/DLKJ7Kd Comments to the situation (if it needed).: I found an older report ,Its him while hackin. : http://postimg.org/image/qkm3t6z7n/
  8. Name of the violator: Bascannon Realm: FUN Description of the violation: After he couldnt kill me in 1v5 he started to saying me these words and after he came up to his horde char he continued the insulting. Proof: http://imgur.com/cZAaFlj http://imgur.com/JLp6UIx http://imgur.com/tcR7Yim Comments to the situation: Such an agry kid.Just ban him.
  9. 1. Name of the item: Jina-Kang, Kindness of Chi-Ji(id=102247) 2. Description of the problem. : This item never procs. 3. How it must work :Your helpful spells have a chance to grant you Spirit of Chi-Ji, increasing all healing done by 5% and causing all overhealing on players to be redistributed to up to 5 nearby injured friends, for 10 sec. (Approximately 0.58 procs per minute). http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102247/jina-kang-kindness-of-chi-ji 4. Date when you tested it. : 2015.July.13 5..Realm (x100/x5/Fun) : Fun 6.Priority of the problem. : 10/10
  10. I see ,and i dont know whey did they close it when its a 10/10 bug...and still bugged since 2years.
  11. Bump ty.
  12. AHHAAHAHAHA IM DONE :mocking: :mocking: :mocking: :mocking: :mocking: :mocking: :mocking: :mocking: :mocking: :mocking:
  13. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  14. Its pandawow dude lol pls
  15. I like when someone beats his enemy doin a SS but he never ss when he losing 1231232times in a row,but won once and thinks hes the god lol And y actually that movie is fuckin shit doing 2s on 1.5k mmr beating clickers gg what can i say
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