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  1. 1.Account name:Andlife 2.Realm:x100 3.Active Characters:Lnb,Meztiran 4.E-mail: p.lahm16@abv.bg 5.IP-Adress: 6.I bought a mage and it was 3 weeks ago 7.Bonuses lost:1399 8.I was acount sharing with my friend and he used the bonuses 9.Picture: http://prikachi.com/images/512/8386512o.png
  2. can any admin tell me the ip who were in my acc please
  3. ok first put on what you want to transmog equip and reequip it then transmog it and relog
  4. can any admin write me on pm please need to speak with admin
  5. My account got recently hacked and i had 1400 bonuses in it havent been on it since today please if any admin can help me i know the other guy account he tried to transfer my char to his account.
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