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Everything posted by Garodar

  1. Bump. :)
  2. Somehow bugged again. Bump.
  3. I know right? And I don't understand why would it be hard to make few changes, test them to see if they're legit or not. If they are legit, they can keep them. If not, they can always dismiss them. That's what the QA servers are for.
  4. Bumperino.
  5. Not the case. It works fine, I just get dc and can't log in for next 30 mins.
  6. I have this problem almost every time I play. I get dc'd, my internet is fine, server is on, but I can't log in. And that's only for fun realm. I can enter x100, but not fun realm, but no one else seems to dc. Just me. This happens almost every time and it's annoying. How the hell can I fix this?
  7. Sigh, just another day another bug, but not another update which we all need.
  8. ^ This... and update the server pls.
  9. Oh, ok. It works now, only its a bit annoying it takes long to load. Thanks for help. :)
  10. It's not checked, so I can't "uncheck" it.
  11. Yo, how do I solve this? [ATTACH=CONFIG]128866[/ATTACH]
  12. Because when this report was made, it was hitting 4k maximum. Ever thought of that? Besides, this was already fixed, just not applied, so not sure why this thread is still here.
  13. U might as well cancel rewards for this and future seasons as well, because PandaWoW is dying and nothing is happening to fix that. Cancelled last season... ok, that was reasonable. Cancel this season, and its not gonna fix it in next season either. PandaWoW is dying wether we like it or not. Only solution is to cancel all seasons or continue a dumb dead season where no one plays. Its hard to make the right call, unless something happens that drastically changes.
  14. Can't even spell "potato" properly, lul.
  15. Destroying another season wont make it any better in next one. It'll still keep dying. U might as well cancell all future pvp seasons then.
  16. The best thing you can do us to lower the requirement from 2k to 1.8. At that time people will push because rewards will be more accessable. And realisticly challenger shouldnt be above 1.5 but its a pserver so whatever. As u said people might start queuing in last month to secure a title atleast but Id still make sure to get people to que somehow just to be safe in any way u know how and can.
  17. Name of the spell: Unbound Will Link: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Unbound_Will What is bugged: Does not consume any hp. How it should be: Should consume 20% of hp. Realm: Fun/x100 Priority: 10/10 Easily abusable, it becomes a trinket basically but on 1 min cd and u can't not use it, since its cruical in almost every game.
  18. That's why you can always bump threads.
  19. Yeah I know, that's why priority on that report was 1/10. Hardest hit it could do was 4k. It meant nothing at the time if it could hit in felstorm because it couldn't do damage. Now, its something, but still... atleast next time if u report a warlock bug, check in case to make sure its not already reported.
  20. Eh, make 3s rewards be like last season (only 40 people get titles) if you cant fix people queuing 3s.
  21. There's no need for creating another one. Check the bug report section and bump the bug if u want to see it fixed and ask if u want to see priority changed.
  22. Yawn, another double. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=182867 Next time, bother to check bug report section before reporting something.
  23. Its Rascalx.
  24. Less r1's, more other titles to get people to start queuing.
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