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Everything posted by shore94

  1. I noticed in another post earlier there was talk about the possibility of them releasing season 15 ELITE gear. I was under the impression that the ELITE set for season 15 had 0 stats and was just a transmog set... If I could get this cleared up by somebody who knows the definitive answer that would be fantastic.
  2. The comparison here is ridiculous haha gladiator is an adaptation of a historic war fable and pulp fiction is a fully fictional story written by somebody. A critic should always take into account what he's judging and compared to other movies based in that time period it does one hell of a job capturing imagination it was a great film 9/10 Also if you're into early rock and even if you're not check out Vinyl... The directors speak for itself
  3. I'm hoping the server restart in the morning fixes it... would be nice if somebody let us know what was wrong
  4. Has anybody heard anything on what time the server may be available?
  5. It's been down for a while now. No word on what is wrong or when it will be up, but Gm's have said the Admins are working on it.
  6. Vinyl especially if you like all kinds of music, unbelievable show just look who directs it...
  7. Haven't had access to server in 7 hours, I've fapped about 13 times in that brief amount of time and am starting to grow nervous whats going on :O? In all seriousness has a admin or high ranking staff said anything regarding the problem with the fun server? Also Vinyl is an awesome show would defiantly recommend it to anybody especially in these dark times we're experiencing.
  8. I'm constantly being asked or asking other players what they think the best stat priority for a specific class/spec is and why, not only is it interesting to get a different point of view but it has helped me understand a lot more about the game. I am by no means one of the top players on the server but I think this thread could be beneficial for everybody, so if you could please list the class/spec you are playing, the stat priority you use and why you use it that would be great especially those of you who are top players (chiv etc.) I know you guys get asked a ton anyway. so to start it off: Elemental Shaman Mastery>Haste Reforge and Intellect>Mastery Gems A lot of elemental Shamans prefer Haste>Mastery but the reason I go with Mastery>Haste is I believe it scales a bit better and the 75 percent without proc chance you have of all spells hitting twice is pretty OP Thanks in advance for anybody that participates
  9. Name: Lava shock Problem: Solved I'm just posting because I've done some testing to figure out what specifically was bugging my shaman http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=166996 Here's my old post, the problem was glyph of flame shock for some reason it is bugged and causes your character to get stuck in battlegrounds. Just thought I'd update the server. I have asked other shamans and the glyph is most definitely bugged and causing the problem.
  10. is there anything else I can try to fix it, it keeps happening which makes it impossible to do a battleground on that character
  11. Yeah I know but this is after the battleground has started and has happend in multiple different battlegrounds, WSG AOS and even Eye of the storm which is the one I posted screenshots of its a different bug and i can't fix it :(
  12. Thanks for the speedy reply, yeah I am testing online now, has happend in a variety of different battlegrounds. I also have looked at a couple of my other chars and so far it hasn't happend to any of them.
  13. Character name: Lavashock - fun realm (problem only seems to happen on this character [shammy]) Problem: In battlegrounds once I am killed I am not given the option to release my character just gets stuck with a little bit of health. When I try to cast a spell it just says I am dead but I can't release .st doesn't work and im forced to leave the battle ground. I've tried to solve the problem by deleting my cache and repairing the character but it didn't help. I've also tried asking many players nobody knew how to help.
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