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  1. Adverse think, he have only R1 players.. eZ :DDD
  2. I testing Apex Repack This more bugged.... Yekta is totally ok... TreeTree is too bugged... Apex says "This is fixed and this" But nothing is fixxed. Enchanting is bugged, MoP Weapon enchants bugged...
  3. I searching 5.4.8 repacks... And i find only bugging repacks. The same problems You can't enchant. Pets bugged. Crashes I need a Repack for 5.4.8 (Only for friends.)
  4. I fake him, but i made this....
  5. No? That is my work..... http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=ba1c42-1440691181.jpg See this screen
  6. Its for fun man :D
  7. Hello guys :D I create a new design for Durotar :D For Christmas, and for only 3.3.5 servern. Here a little pic: http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=17519e-1448317782.jpg
  8. [ATTACH=CONFIG]94090[/ATTACH] http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=c87842-1444060864.png http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=620127-1444060917.png This comes everytime, when i start Pandawow 32 Models... Pls help, and stop close this thread ._.
  9. Langsam reicht es. Wir verlieren soviele bgs, wegen denn kack x100 leuten, die kein Gear haben..... Da kommen 240k leute rein und können nicht ma ihre klasse spielen. Die horde hat natürlich kaum x100 leute ._. Die horde kommt mit 550K-700k Leben, und wir mit 450k und mit 240k GG Erkläre was die kacke jetzt bringt?
  10. Ah thank you...
  11. Ok, but i can't find the realm why? [ATTACH=CONFIG]93027[/ATTACH]
  12. I need help to connect to MoP Cross... PLS HELP, pls not close my thread ._.
  13. How to connect to MoP Cross? Pls help :x
  14. Horde can't buy 550 PvP Gear... [ATTACH=CONFIG]90168[/ATTACH] 10/10 22.08.2015
  15. Multiaccounting: [ATTACH=CONFIG]89801[/ATTACH] http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=a59371-1439904034.jpg
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