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Everything posted by Shamzooloo

  2. This Priest is flying around in Battlegrounds, pulling people under the map with Mind Control, when those people appear, there is 2 more people camping the exact spot where they are appearing (Not a spawn point so they know about the bug abuse and are abusing it as well - Monk / Warrior). Hacker name: Gaeus Realm: Fun [ATTACH=CONFIG]122742[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122750[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122749[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122748[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122747[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122746[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122745[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122744[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122743[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122751[/ATTACH]
  3. Fixed and added a video, sorry about that! I didn't see the format as I clicked straight to the "Monk" sub forum, my mistake.
  4. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Necessarily add a link to WoWHead Monk Talent Momentum (no longer on wowhead) + Brewmaster Monk spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=123037/dizzying-haze 2. Description of the problem. Try to explain all as best as you can. Describe what is not working exactly. Add proofs of your words - usually attached screenshot or the combat log - is enough. If a Brewmaster Monk has the Talent, Momentum, when they use their spell Dizzying Haze, it will give them the buff Momentum. This is only meant to happen when they use Roll or Chi Torpedo. Video - 3.How it must work. Necessarily give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW. Momentum should only buff when using Roll or Chi Torpedo - http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Momentum 4.Date when you tested it. 26/09/2016 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug. x100 Realm 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities. 2 - This could be abused by Brewmasters but there is very few of them and they rarely do any PvP!
  5. I went to speak with him and it seems he is using 15 characters in multi (without a bot), and they're on follow / key bound to cast when he does. I have a video if needed but I don't think this is as serious as I thought at first! Was thinking of that DK / Elemental shaman 4 man multi causing havoc in BG's and thought, imagine a 15 man army! But I doubt that now... Feel free to close this as he is only in world maps and hasn't done anything wrong according to the rules for multi.
  6. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Teomo, Teome, Tuomo, Toomo, Tyome, Toome, Toomu, Tyomo, Tuome, Tuomu, Taome, Taomo, Taomu, Teomu, Tyomu Realm, where you saw the violation. x100 Realm Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably). While recruiting for my guild over a period of roughly an hour, I have observed 14 characters with near enough identical names and classes (Hunter / Monk), all the same race (Tauren), level up together, and all at once in sync. I assume someone is botting all 14 for the purposes of abusing PvP or Raiding. You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material. Botting / Multiple characters at once / Soon all 14 will be level 90! Proof: screenshots or video. Screenshots from level 51 - 63 in sync [ATTACH=CONFIG]118239[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]118240[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]118241[/ATTACH] Comments to the situation (if it needed). Have fun!
  7. I've still not managed to resolve this issue sorry, and due the cross-server crashing a lot less (at all?), I have been unable to succeed with the method suggested above. :( Is there any chance of getting an admin to fix this? Or am I stuck only having titles in BG's... :P Thanks either way. Edit*** Server just restarted while I was in a BG with my title on, when server came back on my titles were all there as you suggested would happen! Thanks very much for the help.
  8. I will give it a go thanks, yes mine are all showing up during a BG.
  9. I faction changed? When did I do that? Thanks, I hope so! Several days have passed now and no titles yet though.
  10. Title: Titles are missing on bought character. Description of the problem: I bought a character on the website and also bought a name change. I renamed the character to 'Hermetics'. The titles that I have earned on my other characters (same account) all work fine, on this character though, I have none of those titles. Nickname of problem character: Hermetics Game Client: 5.4.8, downloaded via torrent. Deleted Cache folder and repaired on website, not changed. Screenshots (With titles / Without titles on same account). [ATTACH=CONFIG]111494[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]111495[/ATTACH]
  11. "Disperse any nearby Mist Incarnations" Do players look like "Mist Incarnations" to you? Clearly a PvE spell with no intention of PvP. It is a bugged spell, which you were purposely abusing, leading people back to it from the nearby alliance pvp vendors, for easy kills etc, for over 30 minutes... Ban for Bug abuse. Nice try tho... You cannot move / counter and it Dot's you till you die. The damage of each dot matters not.
  12. Name of the violator: Naimburst & / or horde friend with Russian characters in screenshots. Realm, where you saw the violation: x100 Realm. Description of the violation: Naimburst or his friend used a non-player spell to kill me. The spell named "Dispersing" removes control of your character and damages you until you die. Bug abuse & / or Hacked spells. - This spell was cast on me - http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=106838/dispersing Proof: screenshots - [ATTACH=CONFIG]89106[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89107[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89108[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89109[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89110[/ATTACH] Proof: went back and filmed them - https://youtu.be/M4TfOM8LRK4
  13. Stairfire on x100 and his team of 550's, use the item that starts with S J and opens things, to cheat in BG and leave the gate before starting to win. Specify the following: Name of the violator: Stairfire, Vodoopoppin, Sambest, Tuoart Realm, where you saw the violation: x100 Description of the violation: Using a certain item, they cheat in BG by leaving the gates early and arriving at the enemy base as the BG starts. Proof: I cannot offer proof but simply appearing to Stairfire (The 1st to arrive) while he is in BG while invisible, you will likely catch him in the act. Comments to the situation: I can provide more information if needed via PM.
  14. You say rubbish, then post rubbish, I am confused... Damage rotation can be pvp or pve, please explain why not, or just continue ranting like a child. RE: cyclone and grounding totems, have grounding totem on a separate button for this as I do, problem solved, would you like me to think for you too? RE castsequence macros are a waste of buttons, these macros are to save buttons, the issues are yours buddy. It's free advice, you don't have to take it, make your own post if you want to share tactics etc, not hijack someone's who has given out information freely to chat about your play style instead. RE: Nemifest - You make a lot of sense, however I feel that these better suit my own play style. Each to their own I guess! Other points debunked in order: "You're saying kiting isn't working, how come druids can..." This is ~RE: Elemental Shaman, Druids are a lot faster, clearly and can switch between tank and speed. "I don't need a lot of haste" When you can near enough instant cast your spells, it makes a big difference, but it's your call if you want to be slower and easier to counter. "Is this PvP section because when I see damage rotation". Yes this is the PvP section, I'm sorry, living in a box must suck for you. Try thinking outside of it sometimes. "anyways i'm totally agree with nemifest cuz all he say is right and used by most of pro players like Zeepeyes, Snodz, Talbadar and other famous guys." ...lol... the definition of famous is that everyone has heard of them, I have not, they aren't famous. "Mate if you're posting damage rotations as pvp macros you have some issues", and what issues would that be? ~I can explain my why's but you just chucked out insults instead. Who has issues? "Besides, clicking the same button multiple times to get the totem you want" I did not say "Don't add your useful totems to anywhere else!" now did I? So quick to flame, so slow to think. "Because no one is gonna try and dispell that ever right ? Rofl." As stated in my original post, if you care to read it, use the burst macro when it's least likely to be countered or else it could be wasted. If you can't do that, then perhaps these macros are not suited for you. Furthermore, if I popped my burst macro and your defense was to try and dispel it, it would fail, as the damage you would take in this time would near kill you regardless, absorbs, stuns, deflections etc yes, sitting there dispelling my buffs while I spam Lava Burst at you xD see how that goes. Perhaps best that you don't reply as it's likely just going to be another flame attempt but end up a display of foolishness.
  15. I'm sorry but I disagree with 90% of what you have said, I am willing to show you in-game that your comments make no sense. "/castsequence reset=30 Ascendance, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Is useless." It is not if used as described, literally 5000 (45k total) kills on this server, with this macro combined with the buff macro. 10% total haste is not nearly as effective as 30% haste for 20 seconds when it's most important, 20 seconds can win a fight. 10% haste would be an advantage for PvE not PvP. "You're not supposed to"... oh really? So using a single target spell *Frost Shock* that adds global cooldown to your other important shock spells *USED IN PRIMARY DAMAGE ROTATIONS* ... is more effective that using a multiple target spell *Earthgrab* that roots and sets up for the following multiple target stun *Capacitor*? I think not. Shaman can take on multiple targets at once, your play style sounds like 1v1, or PvE. Frozen power / Frost Shock for an Enhancement Shaman that wants to pin someone while he beats them down, not elemental, there is simply no need to kite people as described, on top of that, opting for *Kiting* as your strategy as a one-size-fits-all for PvP against all classes will not be effective, you need to formulate a strategy for all classes as they are all different, see how far kiting a Hunter or Mage or Druid or DK or Warrior will get you. In fact, does kiting in PvP even still work at all in this day and age? Ancestral Guidance or Rushing Streams, again, I think not. I can heal myself and every friendly anywhere near me to full hp from near death with the Buff Macro combined with the Ascendance Macro, without even casting a heal while dealing maximum critical damage at multiple targets while moving... whereas 2 extra friendlies healed by my least effective healing totem? I won't be switching any time soon, I can tell you that much! :) My Totems rotation is set up as is most needed at the time, push the button a couple times and the right totems come out, saves time for assault / counter healing etc. If you do play a Shaman, then come and duel me and I'll be more than happy to show you.
  16. Hi there Jeffis, I made a post for you or anyone else looking - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139327
  17. Hi all, Shamzu here. Just thought I would share my tried and tested Elemental Shaman Macros, hopefully someone finds them of some use. Most of you are aware that Elemental Shamans have a whole heap of spells and not enough space or easily accessible key-bindings to make utilization of the bulk of them possible... without macros that is. So, here are the macros I use and a brief explanation of how I would use them. [Damage Rotation] (I use this rotation macro as my primary attack, it cycles through your damage spells in a way that creates the maximum critical damage bonus possible from each, then cleansing yourself in-between rotations. Most of my macros will require the allocation of Talent Points to acquire spells.) #showtooltip /castsequence reset=4 Flame Shock, Unleash Elements, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Cleanse Spirit [Totems Rotation] (I use this rotation macro as my primary trapping aoe, then defensive support. This macro is designed to place your most needed totem out, as is most likely needed, as a battle plays out.) (This macro in summary - grabs and holds targets in range of totem (Earthgrab), stuns targets in range of totem (Capacitor), absorbs damage taken (Bulwark), increases damage dealt by allies in range (Stormlash), additional ranged damage (Searing), heals allies in range (Healing), Null's one offensive incoming spell (Grounding), removes curses (Cleanse), resets all totems for re-rotation (Call). #showtooltip /castsequence reset=30 Earthgrab Totem, Capacitor Totem, Stone Bulwark Totem, Stormlash Totem, Searing Totem, Healing Stream Totem, Grounding Totem, Cleanse Spirit, Call of the Elements [improved Silence] (This macro is to upgrade wind shear, for those pesky casters... cough* cough* Chaos Bolts. It stops whatever you are doing and stops your targets spell with a 3 second lockout, allowing you to cast any counter spells before their next attempt - hex etc.) #showtooltip /stopcasting /cast Wind Shear [improved Hex] (This macro is to upgrade hex, allowing you to mouseover cast your target or another.) #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover, harm] Hex; Hex [Turbocharge Buff] (This macro is best used when you have your target trapped and/or unable to defend. It makes you superman for a short time, enjoy! Get some Potion of the Jade Serpent's from your favourite Alchemist, they are worth it.) #showtooltip /cast Elemental Mastery /cast Ancestral Guidance /cast Spiritwalker's Grace /cast Shamanistic Rage /cast Potion of the Jade Serpent [Go kamehameha on their ass] (This macro is a seperate damage rotation, best used in conjuction with the Turbocharge macro and spammed to death. *Warning* Attempt to use when you are least likely to be stunned / stopped or it could be easily wasted.) #showtooltip /castsequence reset=30 Ascendance, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst
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