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  1. thats what my Wifi says thats what Pandawow says :D I used pandawow one so idk if it is same or nah , Im from Slovakia , and I have no idea why the emails are not coming to my yahoo email. PS: im not into this PC stuff , so hopefully everythig was given.;)
  2. Hi guys want to change my email because of wrong system of my current email My current email : skapal2x@yahoo.com Email i want to change it to : philipjetomeno@gmail.com My IP adress: /Slovakia/ ACC name: skapal2x Response ASAP My thanks to you
  3. Hope somone will response :) to help both of us
  4. Hello guys, I want to tell , that i have a big problem with my Rogue ( Honja ) . When I log into game after 5 seconds my character start being useless . He cant whispering, casting spells , Joining BG´s ,etc. It happend only on the rogue all other classes ( characters ) work without any problems. I tried to install my game again. There is no bad connection, because my other characters work pretty well. I dont know if it is bug or problem with my PC but when there is someone who can help me i will be so Happy. Please response as soon as possible. I will try to work out on it . Thank you :)
  5. Hello there

    I have problem with my Rogue when i come in game after 5 seconds it stucks , cant use spells and other characters are just moving on the same place , i cant also exit or logout , Wheres the problem please i need help :_) as fast as possible . ( i tried repair on site and re-install my game )

  6. i copy this because i click before on bad Forum section so My name is Philip i forgot my password on my account registerd on mail: skapal2x@azet.sk , i try to contact Leaders of server on FB and wow (fun) with ticket but I dont recive anything and main reason is taht i try to reset my password 12 times or more but it didnt work from 2 computers Its pitty beacuse i want to play on that account there are 2 or 3 characters (wow FUN) Warrior- Anticise and Mage-Shavj , and 1 more monk dont remeber her name if it possible or WOuld you be so kind and help me , Im not lying im just sad , creating new characters and play from begining took lot of time ... Please help me and you will have my Big Thank you , and its good when Leaders know that the comunity is happy with their server ... Thank you Philip
  7. Hi guys im Philip i forgot my password on my account registerd on mail: skapal2x@azet.sk , i try to contact Leaders of server on FB and wow (fun) with ticket but I dont recive anything Its pitty beacuse i want to play my on that account there are 2 or 3 characters (wow FUN) Warrior- Anticise and Mage-Shavj , and 1 more monk dont remeber names :) if it possible or WOuld you be so kind and help me Im not lying im just sad , creating new characters and play from begining ... Please help me and you will have my Big Thank you , and its good when Leaders know that the comunity is happy with their server ... Thank you Philip
  8. Hello I have problem with my account on email: skapal2x@azet.sk i forgot password so i want to reset it ... but i dont recive email i think that acc dont exist so itry to register on that email but it didnt work because on that email is my 1st accoun with Warrio-Anticise and Mage-shavj I text you in Facebook too ut theres no answer from your FB site Please send me email on that Email ...because i forgot password ... that account is registerd there so dont worry im not a liar just man who need help and who is sad few days because he dont have his Characters to play . i know you can easily help me Thanks a lot .... Philip I dont know russian sorry if I spam but i dont know how forums are working
  9. Hello

    I have problem with my account on email: skapal2x@azet.sk

    i forgot password so i want to reset it ... but i dont recive email i think that acc dont exist so itry to register on that email but it didnt work because on that email is my 1st accoun with Warrio-Anticise and Mage-shavj I text you in Facebook too ut theres no answer from your FB site

    Please send me email on that Email ...because i forgot password ... that account is registerd there so dont worry im not a liar just man who need help and who is sad few days because he dont have his Characters to play . i know you can easily help me

    Thanks a lot .... Philip

  10. Hello I have problem with my account on email: skapal2x@azet.sk i forgot password so i want to reset it ... but i dont recive email i think that acc dont exist so itry to register on that email but it didnt work because on that email is my 1st accoun with Warrio-Anticise and Mage-shavj I text you in Facebook too ut theres no answer from your FB site Please send me email on that Email ...because i forgot password ... that account is registerd there so dont worry im not a liar just man who need help and who is sad few days because he dont have his Characters to play . i know you can easily help me Thanks a lot .... Philip
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