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brickdeleche last won the day on August 27 2016

brickdeleche had the most liked content!

About brickdeleche

  • Birthday 04/12/1998

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  1. Why do you continue describing yourself dude, you are so selfish:crab:
  2. I just don't like that guy
  3. I'm sorry that you think I'm you and that your appearance doesn't let you show yourself because you are the only one horrible here :). And if you are mad for that and because I look ok it's not my problem. Your friend got banned, enjoy :D
  4. If you gonna take a fuck you serious I would start quiting pandawow.
  5. I remark that you called him douchebag so you kinda started this
  6. Same.
  7. That sounds too fake tbh.
  8. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat): Ghøstfriend Realm, where you saw the violation. xFun Realm proof: http://imgur.com/a/4Nn1Y (idk if it was necessary but i saw it in some other report) Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably): He got mad because he died a lot of times and thought that if he insults in french none will understand but its not the case. Proof: http://imgur.com/a/jtpqv What he said: ¨ta mere la sal pute¨ What it means: https://translate.google.es/#fr/en/ta%20m%C3%A8re%20la%20sal%20pute Idk if i'm right but ¨sal¨ also means ¨salope¨, correct me if im wrong. In case i'm not ¨salope¨ also means slut or whore. (in french)
  9. Ya that's true tbh
  10. Isn't it obvious he just wants to get him banned. Pujo gives 0 fucks about what Repitch called him xd. He tries that's all.
  11. 420 Priest Jiri Fun 39 0 1519 Skills. Don't you see I'm r420 ez :o
  12. You don't know how many things they have to do, you can't claim them to do every single fix in 1day, you have to wait that's all. Writing them every single day won't change the time of fixing :o
  13. Ya dijeron que no iban a separar el xFun del x100
  14. Same here, can't log in
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