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  1. when is x5 going to cross with x100 and fun? give me MONTH / YEAR.
  2. i tried that already, still lagging.
  3. Everytime i cast soulburn i get 0.5 - 1sec lag spike. My friends are having the same issue, only soulburn give lag spikes. How to fix it?
  4. i'm getting lag spikes, screen freeze for 0.5-1sec everytime i use soulburn, how do i fix it?
  5. today i bought 1 Frostcsythe of Lord Ahune (id:35514) but before i bought i was with 208 bonuses, now i only have 8, i was only looking for 1, soo please fix my bonuses and this bug as well char name : digity
  6. every time i switch forms i get a lag spike, the screen freeze for a second. i already tried switching forms without addons, and the lag keeps, anyone has same problem or know how to solve? 10/10
  7. i was doing the green fire scenario, and at the last boss i just completed the quest and used hearthstone thoughting that green fire would be learned at the trainer after completing the quest, but one warlock said i need to click on the portal behind the boss, but when i go to the scenario entrance I click at the portal and nothing happen. how do i fix it?
  8. Cournith Waterstrider is a pandaria's NPC he use to stay at krasarang wilds but seems don't spawn at any moment, would like if you guys fix that bug, or tell me if he's normal and i just haven't seem him
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