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Everything posted by raou

  1. Hello, 1. Todays topic is about wintrading in 2s, i wasnt able to record the video but 2 high rate comps queing into each other and 1 of the partners doesnt even moves the other one hits few times to get some dmg and thats how they wintrade, basically they let the other team win. 2. Lovenika / Loveandrei / Rvkd / Highest 3. Lovenika / Loveandrei = x100 and Rvkd / Highest = Fun realm 4. The screenshot itself tells you, that the healer of Rvkd didnt even heal, like i said earlier i couldnt record what they did on arena, but i personally saw it. 5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]131991[/ATTACH] 6. These people wont learn, i will check their entire match history and will find the weak points aswell, but from now on whenever they are online my fraps is ON too just to prove you that they wintrade so hard.
  2. Hello, 1. Today i am going to speak about abusing arena glitches for example like dalaran sewers start zone, if you get back enough water wont push you into the fight zone so basically nobody cant attack you. 2. Френклинка 3. Fun Realm 4. Abusing the glitches on arenas, also there are many glitches known, for example not just dalaran sewers, ruins of lordareon aswell. 5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]131975[/ATTACH] 6. I don't know why those glitches still didnt get fix, but what i know is fairplay.
  3. Hello, 1. Todays topic is about entering bg on ally side with start char where has no gear and no talents etc. So basically this guy plays on horde side and logs on ally character to decrease player value with -1. Also the same guy insults people. 2. Name - Loalala 3. Realm - FUN 4. Abusing multiboxing in order to win and insulting. 5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]131946[/ATTACH] 6. This shouldnt be allowed, logging 2 accounts in a same time, so they use it on their advantage.
  4. Hello, Today i've duelled 1 warlock i thought its demo then after when i've seen him cast chaos bolt i forfeit to see if something is wrong. 1. Monstertko; 2. Fun realm; 3. Abusing demonology spec pet on destruction spec; 4. Screen shot is on the link -> [ATTACH=CONFIG]131569[/ATTACH] 5. If people keeps abusing stuff like pets / battleground jumps (where they dont die or get -1) / arena abuses with scripts, server won't reach further. Thanks for your time, have a nice day. Best Regards, Raou
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBoEI6sy_Lk Here is the video...
  6. Well, just before restart i donated bonuses, and now they are silver its not fair at all.
  7. Oh ele shamans arent as overpowered as your bm hunter where you got garrosh buff on your pet -.- 600% dmg / 600% health
  8. 1.Wintrade 2.Адмиралхх / Puchqia 3.Fun 4.Адмиралхх / Puchqia 2.8+ atm farming luciferxq and 1 more guy gonna send you pictures and videos. Have fun. [ATTACH=CONFIG]125817[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]125818[/ATTACH]
  9. :) yolo
  10. :pandaren:вов
  11. Thanks for understanding, i told you its not me, i am not abusing that stuff, its only baz + noneed who abuse fade/armors/deep glyph :)
  12. Dude, i am serious its not me, its probably bestworld or takaa
  13. Drakuza is not my char what are you talking about !?
  14. I am hated ok i admit it but i wanted it But noneed doesnt wants to be hated and still he is hated, and guess for what? For abusing stuff ^_^ Everytime when he is on his priest, reminds me the video i cant die, but wait, i have another thing for him, even abuse didnt helped him.
  15. Its english section you know it right?
  16. horde cant w/o hacks
  17. yea, there are so many of em in elwyn forest
  18. Without pqr/wpe war + mw doesnt works. If you arent user of those, no mw will be your partner. Orbs has no limits and globalless spammable, as fast as you click.We all know orbs are 3 stacks max, but yea, let every mw get glad than you can fix it and war dmg is ridicilously high, rogues like repitch using combat readiness and still ates 150k ...
  19. Bad people.
  20. rofl y y y true :)
  21. Does it makes sense? Hmm i am still beating you, just qued some casual hunt games not even human hunt cuz i am not tryhard like you and still be able to win your booomie/mage where that comp literally should win me easily... Anyways, i hope you get some skills in earlier future, cuzz with that much tryhard you are going nowhere. Whom you calling nolifer bro? :D Its clearly visible.
  22. oh i am not even tryharding like you, wheneveer you log into game you just get someone and que arena, i am doing world pvps and i am not as active as you do, all my chars total played time is 17 days, and you ? oh wait. i am afraid. dont tell me oh... Noneedholy the god of SWD Skills, watcch entire vid if you swd me 1 time.
  23. 2.4 WUT!? you mean 3.4?
  24. Reporting mod for doing his job randomly. Today my friend got chat banned for typing "THAN DANCE" on normal chat, not even world / global / english chats. Bann reason was CAPS. WHAT!? Read it by your own!!!.
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