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  1. can a admin change the email of the account of shoot2kill the account has been hacked and that email is blocked so i cant transfere characters or do nothing and the county i live in it cant not be selected on the Mobile phone number so i cant do nothing can u pls transfere my characters over or change the email
  2. i was trying to change my email cause it is blocked but i cant cause america is not on there so i cant change my email and a hacker already nows my account what should i do
  3. where is united state of america to change my number
  4. where is america on the mobile bind number i cant find america on it only other countries can some one pls help me or a gm just transfere character
  5. i know it cost 200 bonuses but my email account is messed up i typed it wrong i need a account transfer and it says intruction sent to e-mail
  6. can u move trollyurface to a diffrent account account name is trenton0425 can u move the character from shoot2kill
  7. can some one help me change my email but entered it wrong and i dont want my character to be deleted and i cant trasnfer it
  8. if i restore my druid how can i see if he had all the gear before the hacker deleted it i want to now if i can see if he still has all his gear before the hacker deleted him i mean i can restore him np but if he has no gear can some one pls check for me i will be grateful for it ty
  9. im iegend the druid my account got hacked he deleted all my characters off my account on pandawow100x i need jania the shanam iegend the druid and starfirexx the druid he deleted those off my account i was wondering if u can restore them and move them to a diffrent account i found out this happend about 7 hours ago my account name is shoot2kill and my email got messed up when i put it in i have 1 friends who can prove i am iegend his name is quiqui i have one character he did not delete and it was izzey the priest that one was in store for selling can u pls help me ty
  10. i am iegend the druid my account got hacked the person who deleted deleted all my characters off my account the 3 main characters are jania starfirexx and the iegend he deleted them and it takes 200 bonuses to restore them i dont have 600 bonuses i was wondering if u can restore them and move them to a diffrent account i found out it happen about 5 min ago when i logged in i had 4 donate mounts i am trying to restore them and transfere the character but i dont know if he deleted all my gear can u transfere two of my character to trenton0425 i need iegend the druid and starfirexx or can u put 800 bonuses on shoot2kill account and let me transfere those characters over
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