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  1. why u think claimi is the best? he plays with a bug abuser mage and he wintraded to 3.2
  2. only 1 guy commented? haha
  3. who u think is best of each class? mage - deepmvpwin & magetrainer rogue - idk paladin - idk hunter - idk his name, but he was 3k last season and russian shaman - bloodcagexd / purpolz (purpolz from x100) monk - idk druid - cogu & minpojke warlock - ishmael (putinlock i think his name was) warrior - markzxy (idk any other warrior, at least he's decent) dk - absolutezero priest - akuyama & noneedholy let me know the realm the players are from! :D
  4. http://gyazo.com/2748874e57001be3e52af2e8d5cd2ddd i get that when i try to connect downloaded game via utorrent. i changed config to english, but if i run it in russian it works fine. help? :/
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