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Everything posted by Decoy

  1. i was skeptical at first, but all his trap placements are placed perfectly at the feet.. "Centered" if you will, lil bit odd. All his traps land on the intended trap target, doesn't matter if someone is stacking, skecthy!
  2. this guy lived on 8 dks with 10 shams.. now he lives on forum looking like a fool.. once the admins stop allowing the alt tab multiboxing method... this your new home?
  3. notice how all the ability sounds are going off at different times, that's because there isn't a program being used. multiboxing all the spells would be instantly going off at SAME time.
  4. this isn't a blizlike server, we can buy full chars instant 90 and other custome stuff, the problem is they get this potion for free because you have FREE VENDORS, there's no grind or farm for this so they abuse it 24/7 in world pvp. what's the problem with making a limit to it like you did premium?
  5. If it can't be disabled, add a timer to it, it's being abused in wpvp. 10-30 min CD or disable or even disable it in Guru Bashi same as you disabled premium log out. every single hunter is doing this.
  6. because plein was actually multiboxing, i don't multibox :) your videos wont prove multiboxing because there is nothing to prove. i tab every single char, there is a delay...multiboxing all the shams would be casting at same time, which isn't being shown :)
  7. title says it all, thanks. there's no reason to have it anymore. you nerfed/fixed everything besides this instantly log out. finish it off please.
  8. for which ever admin/gm rattag or who ever wants to see the proof that i'm not multiboxing, i do have a video, so just let me know :) just notice nothing is casted at the same time, there is a human delay. :) :) :)
  9. here we go again
  10. he can't give it up, his feelings are to hurt. he thinks he can tell zeox how to run his own server lol
  11. i mean, look at the difference in faction values lol... https://gyazo.com/ff59ceccda7e5959e8a4eee562f19992 https://gyazo.com/a481f0fbb4898dcb94b3dda940c62d3c this is everyones idea of pvp i guess idk lol. i never really understood why you need 20+ people vs just such few xd
  12. 80% of people in guru have premeium or play 10 accounts. it's world pvp it's not ment to be competitive. not once did blizzard make a rule about world pvp outside of limiting raids to 40 man. i been on pandawow for 5 years not once did i ask for a custom rule to be put it. i simply adapted to what ever zeox put into place with his team. call it abuse cheating what ever you wanna call it. it's world pvp. if you want rules go do arena. if you can't handle guru stay in stormwind and spectate and fly around on your gladiator mounts. stop beging and crying about custom rules..get over yourselfs. adapt or fall back.
  13. please don't ban me rattag he put my char names LOL click is dumb
  14. Realm-Fun Nickname of the violator. Raindropa Raindropb Raindropc Raindropd Raindrope Raindropf Raindropg Raindroph Raindropi Raindropg Raindropj Raindropu Raindropv Raindropw Raindropx Raindropy Raindropzav Raindropzz https://gyazo.com/3984f26a3a56fffad351c62fb576c1ef all of these random rogues are him.-same guy u banned yesterday - https://gyazo.com/d896a8a6f0b558d874ed341860d950c6 Proofs: https://gyazo.com/760f58e9e7aacbe81b0efc4f88c35502 he just gonna keep making new accs, so maybe hit him with an IP ban or ban his main account Airplein. Can do something about this kid raging because he can't actually play fair..
  15. huge cry babys, the server has a population of 40 people..and you're on the forum crying lol
  16. we figured it out, you can close this now, thank you!
  17. So is there a way you can finish the transfer? Or what happens now since the character is gone?
  18. you guys banned multiboxing out of nowhere and said you were open to have a discussion about it but you instantly locked the threads and are ignoreing everything about it..has anything changed? put our rules to it limit it to under 15 or something..don't just ban it all together and then ignore..come up with something..this is a private server and it's WORLD PVP which you gain nothing from.
  19. multiboxers donate more to the server then 80% of the average players who scam to get bonuses... donations keep the server up and runing..there shouldn't ever be a cut throat decision about baning something that's not cheating buging..what you should be doing is puting a cap/limit them if it's laging your servers...between those 4 multiboxers you're talking about atleast brought over 3 grand to the server i am sure of it..these guys have full 4/4 characters u think they geared 40 4/4s up alone? no...they paid the way for others to play for free. no way zeox would have a server runing unless he was geting donations. i wish zeox would ask me for my transactions of donations i have for this server...i prob bought a years worth of food for the guy lol..for him to just let his staff ban me for no reason. sad. and also.. the same people talking about not being able to go to guru..they STILL can't..nothing changed. multiboxing was just fun.
  20. i know most multiboxers have over 30-40 accounts. and i know 3-4 of the multiboxers have BOUGHT full geared characters, like myself now i understand they're lagging the servers but that's because they boxing over 25+ accs and 8-9 even 10 multiboxers are on at the same time. just lower the amount people are allowed to multibox to 15 or something less. some of us just spent alot of money on your server through donation points just so you can say "you're banned" now. when we followed your rules that said it was allowed. and noone is multiboxing in BGs, it's a world pvp thing. this is a private server. it's not ment to be taken seriously
  21. Can you please allow us to edit the guild, it only comes up as an error when i try to do it. i just need the guild to be lvl 25!!!
  22. just put the taxi back in guru..so tired of people multiboxing 6 accounts and spaming wargame to reset CDs instantly. honest to god. enough is enough..atleast when taxi was here u could prevent them from runing.. and people only played on 2 accounts not 3-6 accounts.now u can do nothing at all but just die. and the gy is so close..people get the premium and instantly res after u kill all their accounts..so what's the point of this now??
  23. Now that the taxi has been removed from gurubashi people are instantly reseting CDs with .wargame. i know u guys made it to where they can't do it in combat..but almost every class can remove combat for atleast 1 second. and there's TONS of items that do it as well. just make it to where u can only wargame while in a main city or just disable it. it's not even possible to kill people that are doing this..it's worse then them teleporting with taxi. even removing the simple command so people can't macro it would help. if u don't want people reseting this is the last thing that has to be fixed. the taxi atleast took 20-30 seconds sometimes to reset the .wargame is about 2 loading screens which can range from 4-6 seconds depending on computer. that's just insane.
  24. 1. Decoy4 2. Fun. 3. Pandawow@live.com 4. 6xxx.xxx.xxx.21 5. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2q1ba6x&s=9#.XIOwAvZFw2w 6. I want my e-mail changed to my current one. please reply for new email.
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