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  1. yeah man I feel dumb for not knowing random links :O
  2. yikes @ thinking that im clicking a link from a win trader, kick botter, bug abuser, and professional retard
  3. yikes @ pujo callin anyone a kid with that avi
  4. BasedOne


    you do realize that you are contradicting yourself right?
  5. BasedOne


    wow apparently destro lock is OP how did nobody figure this out on retail they would have won blizzcon thank got that geniuses on pandawow actually think
  6. yikes so much 15 year old white music cringe a f
  7. Since when are Pujos opinions valid? - - - Updated - - - Thought that by now everyone knew that hes too dumb to be reasoned with.
  8. cmon...contact the guy who bought it and if he doesnt play rename him to a random name or something
  9. So I sold my character and the guy who bought it doesnt even play so I cant ask him to rename can I somehow get my name back?
  10. ofc not lol theyll lose money if people dont have to pay bonuses
  11. lmao why do people that dont know anything about the classes they speak of even participate in this thread - - - Updated - - - "paladin: Crax... just sayin rogue: Killingblow mage: Aethiz druid: Talbytree,progodx or whatever"" progod?You mean the guy whose account Raou played on to get to 2.6?
  12. thats incredibly useful cant go without it
  13. the war shaman that are first in 2v2 atm shit was cancer - - - Updated - - - lmao...
  14. this evidence is definitely authentic - - - Updated - - - I believe it
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