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Everything posted by lilgamb

  1. I just tested it again myself. 10 LL noncrits with FT MH and 1 LL noncrits with FT OH. Both averaged out at around the same so I think i can confirm my statement that "having flametongue on your mainhand isn't an issue" [ATTACH=CONFIG]89332[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89333[/ATTACH]
  2. Keep ind mind that 70k was a crit, while the 27k was a normal hit. But it still leaves the main hand FT LL at 35k non-crit, which is well higher than 27k :D
  3. Hello! While playing around a bit with my weapon enchants and some numbers, I came across a very gamebreaking windfury bug! Windfury only has an effective proc chance of around 6,5%-7,5% basically a 1/3 of the 20% it is supposed to have. How windfury should work: Every hit has a chance of triggering 3 extra hits with increased attackpower. How windfury works here: Every hit has a 20% chance to trigger ONE of the 3 extra hits with extra attackpower. How is this gamebreaking you may ask? Windfury weapon generates maelstrom stacks, the resource used by enhancement shamans for instant casts, such as Healing surge, Hex and elemental blast, thus making it very important for us to be able to build them up as fast a possible. As shown in the pictures, i did 2 tests, one with my main-hand weapon imbued with windfury, and one with my off-hand imbued with windfury. No, they are not reversed, windfury does more damage when used on the off-hand, refer to my other post @ http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=146644 for more info. In the first test, i ended up with 632 melee hits and 123 windfury hits which is actually a proc rate of 19,4%, but since WF procs 3 attacks, the number should be devided by 3, leaving us at 6,487% In my second test, i did 1000 melee autohits, and ended up with 222 windfury hits, making the proc rate 22,2%, but once again that number has to be diveded by 3, since it is 222 windfury hits, and not windfury procs, leaving the total number at 7,4% proc rate. How to fix? triple the proc rate. Very simple This bug has really high priority, since its one of the core mechanics of the class! Priority 10/10 May the elements be with you!:brberbrb:
  4. I have heard and read a lot of complaints about windfury not proccing the 8550 bonus attackpower. I have found a workaround for this! Simply put windfury on your off-hand weapon, and flametongue on your mainhand weapon. For some reason windfury procs for the "opposite" weapon, that you have it on, which is why people were seeing windfury hits below their normal white hit damage, because it was from the off-hand. Having flametongue on your mainhand isn't an issue either, as it doesnt seem to change the lava lash damage! if anything, it has actually been increased! (My average normal LL went from 52k to 55k, but it could just be RNG, as it was only off of 10 LL) Sorry, still no "fix" if you want to use 2-handed weapons, which you shouldnt do anyways, outsude of the ToK orb oneshots ;) There is however still a HUGE gamebreaking bug with WF, that I will be covering in another post! May the elements be with you! :brberbrb:
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