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Everything posted by AshHover

  1. up up willing to pay big $$$
  2. /w Heheexd alliance with your offers or post them here with screenshots and price.
  3. /w Heheexd alliance with your offers or post them here with screenshots and price.
  4. Wow didnt actually think you where gonna get it fak - - - Updated - - - Got it after like 3 trys noice xD - - - Updated - - - Also you still haven't given me the details for this new guild ;-; i needs 2 know
  5. Nope xD Gromo...
  6. Also Msg me you're ingame name so i can get an inv eks de - - - Updated - - - Grom.... all i can give you xD
  7. Starts with a G. You probably wont remember me cuz i was the fuckin worst fury warrior ever but eh
  8. God damn still suprised you play on here after a year. Maybe one day you'll remember me...:C
  9. I've come back to panda wow after a while to see if stuff's gotten better so i could maybe get back into it. Wheres the PvE situated at currently? Alliance or Horde?
  10. AshHover

    LF Fire Mage.

    Need help from a geared/high dps firemage on ally on x100. Name: Facerolldps. Whisper me.
  11. Currently have the same issue. Character name: Facerolldps X100 Realm
  12. Cant figure out a way to make gold cap within a day or two. Any tips? My maxed Professions are Tailoring and Enchanting on a Feral druid.
  13. Realm: X100 Character:Madwar Description:8-26-2015: I recently logged into my character at this date to realize my Sky Golem macro was not working. So i decided to look into my Mount Page and saw that it said i had no mounts and that i needed level 20 to purchase mount riding and get mounts. How I've tried to solve the problem:At this time i was lvl 90 with maxed out riding. So i thought that maybe this was a bug. I repaired my character and relogged back in and nothing change. All my mounts were still gone. I thought this was a bug so i went to the gryphon master if i could maybe learn training again. Wasent able to train anymore. So i then purchased a gryphon from the gryphon master and learned it to see if it was maybe a glitch or something. Still all my mounts were unseen. 9-1-2015: I have already put another post on the 8-26-2015 but after a couple of days i havent recieved anything so i decided to put this to put as much info as i can put. What I expect from the staff:I dont really expect much but my mounts back or some kind of compensation :/ http://i.imgur.com/5nvjieU.jpg IGN:Madwar/Alliance
  14. After i recently logged into to my warrior i relised that i wasent able to mount up and then i looked into my mounts tab and it said i needed lvl 20 to get mounts and i was lvl 90 with full riding :/ and i decided to by a gryphon to see if it was a bug or something and now i only have 1 mount. IGN:Madwar
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